A Teenage Love Affair: Chapter 15.B- Anywhere But Here

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Now. To knock so to enter, Dennise. Be polite. Besides this is not your house so don’t feel so at home.

I knocked three times. Then I heard footsteps and the door opened. My eyes widened instantly to see Marky. In his boxer shorts. He opened his mouth and said something but I guess I was too shock to hear it.

“I asked you if Evan had raped you and you say: Uh-huh?” he raised a skeptic eyebrow.

“What? I did?” I groaned. “No he didn’t. I managed to escape him.”

“Oh. Great then. Maybe you could go home now.”

“After you let me drive ten thousand miles and let me pay times two of the allotted taxi fair and got me lost in your mansion you’re just gonna let me go home? What if Evan’s hiding in the shrubs and then he leaps at me and then—“

“Ten thousand miles? Really. You’re way too exaggerating, lady.”

I frowned at him. “What is it you’re doing that you don’t want me to see?”

His face paled. “Nothing.”

“You’re keeping Rein in there aren’t you?”

“No. I’m not.” (>.<)

“Weh.” (,~~)

I peeked from his shoulder and he blocked my view.

“Definitely. I’m concluding that you’re having intercourse with that witch.”

He groans this time. “I told you I am not—“

“Excuse me.” I dodged his hand on the door frame and I made my way inside.

Marky was right about the flight of stairs in his room. But I wasn’t that blind yet, only that his room was very dark. And I actually moved towards the wall to find the switch but I couldn’t find any. Then I heard Marky’s voice.

“Lights up.”

Around me, LED lights start to sparkle. From the walls to the ceiling, everywhere there were lights. I was like in a planetarium and it was really amazing. No. I was not in a planetarium but actually I was in space! Then the colors changed and so as the projectors and then—it was back to Marky’s room again. With all the boring blues and whites.

“This is what I was up to.” He says. I turned around and he was holding two bottles of Vodka.

I blinked. “It was beautiful.” I breathed out. “So, this is your room.”

Awkward really to be inside a boy’s room. (T.T)

“No. This is my condo.”

“Right.” Sure it looks more like it because it looks more like a house to me than a room. Too big to be a room.

He placed the bottle of vodka at the counter and he sat on one of the chairs. “Wanna celebrate?”

“What are we celebrating?” I moved towards him.

“Don’t be so assuming.” He snorts. “I just happen to finish the most excellent did in the world and you called it “beautiful”. Since you’re here and you marveled over my masterpiece I prefer a toast.”

I looked down at the cocktail glasses which he poured the vodka.

“I don’t drink.” Liar! (T.T) I was just playing hard to get. I’m a heavy drinker. Try me!

His eyes widened in amazement. “You don’t? You don’t seem the person—“

I took the cocktail glass and drank all the vodka inside. Ew. I hate the taste of vodka. I found a sliced lemon on the table and I sucked it immediately.

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