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Sun Hui laid sprawled on the mat, completely exhausted from the "work out." They've been throwing punches at him all night! He couldn't take it anymore!

"I think...I think I had enough..."

Xu Shen rested his foot on Sun Hui's stomach, but didn't press down. He only raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to get tougher or not?"

"Can't we call it a night? Ouch!" Sun Hui yelled as the foot pressed down. "How is this even helping me? You're just beating me up!"

"You wouldn't be so beaten up if you dodged and defended like you're supposed to. Until you do that, the course continues. Also, this is a great way to build up stamina," Xu Shen said.

"Shen," the guy who looked like Sun Ru said. "Maybe we should stop. Boqin is having trouble outside. I think we got caught—"

As soon as he said those words, the door was busted down. But instead of moving away or putting his hands up, Xu Shen stared ahead in boredom as his foot never left Sun Hui's stomach. Sun Hui wanted to cry at his misfortune and uncomfortable position.

Upside down, Sun Hui saw Hou Feng enter the room with fire in his eyes. He could tell he was upset.

"Xu Shen, what the Hell are you doing out of your cell with Yang Bo and Zhao Delun? Without your warden supervisor?" Hou Feng narrowed his eyes. "The consequence of sneaking out and entering forbidden areas and breaking curfew is a longer sentence. I thought by now Yang Bo would learn his lesson."

"We didn't sneak out," Xu Shen said casually. "Boqin was supervising us."

"And he along with the other guards will be punished for breaking the rules. It seems Lu Jiao will be supervising you twenty-four seven now."

"And that's a punishment?" Xu Shen said, his eyes sparkling.

"Watch yourself, Xu Shen. It will be when she finds out who is costing her sleep and free time," Hou Feng snapped, knowing Lu Jiao's temper well. "As for you, Yang Bo...it seems I'll need to put you on full surveillance as well with all your misdemeanors."

But judging by the glint in his eye, Sun Hui had a feeling Hou Feng was going to enjoy himself. He groaned. Spending time with his husband was good and all but he absolutely hated that his sentence will be prolonged. Way to go, Xu Shen! You're only causing me more trouble!

"Zhao Delun, I'll have your own warden deal with you," Hou Feng declared. Zhao Delun only mumbled a knowing curse. "I'm aware Boqin was involved and he'll get his own due but he's the only one who can deal with you."

With his issued orders commanded and final, Hou Feng walked towards Sun Hui like he owned the room, which he technically did as this was his prison. Pushing Xu Shen off of Sun Hui, he bent down and picked the exhausted boy up from the ground. Xu Shen protested.

"That's my cell mate, Hou Feng! And why did you push me so rudely just now? It's not like Bo'er is broken or anything!" Xu Shen said, rolling his eyes.

"Your time with Yang Bo will be limited. I cannot have this happen again. This is a prison, not a rough house! No inmate gets away with anything in my prison, understand? It's bad enough already!" Hou Feng snarled, glaring at him.

If Sun Hui didn't know any better he would say Hou Feng had a stick up his ass. But he knew he was just jealous again.

Sun Hui squirmed in his arms, but that only made Hou Feng tighten his grip around him so he would stop moving.

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