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"So honey, whens the wedding?" I place down the cup of whiskey.

"We haven't really discussed the matter as Ji is focused on family matter right now and as far as I know she doesn't want a big wedding." Mom smiles,

"I wouldn't be surprised, sh—"

"Ma'am your husband is on his way to the airport now." Her driver says, she sighs and stands up.

"I'm sorry honey, I'll talk to you over the phone when we land." Mom says, kissing my cheek before leaving.  I sigh and lean more into the chair, glancing to the frame on the desk.

You are my one and only.... my forever

I grab the frame gently and stare at it, caressing it slightly.

Jay— Ji.....the women I fell in love with, the women I didn't mean to fall for.  The women I'd risk my life for, the future mother of my children.  A goddess sent from above, almost unreal

"Love?" My eyes shot up and they lock onto the stormy grey ones,

"Yes?" I answer, my voice soft.  She walks in and lays down on the couch,

"I just got home, I'm goin to lay here for awhile....." She whispers, laying her head on the arm rest and closing her eyes.  A small smile lingers on my lips,

"Ok, I'll finish up and then we can go to bed." I says, she only nods her head.  Returning to my paperwork and meeting notes from Miss Wright, glancing at Ji once and awhile, I quickly finish my work.  Standing from the seat and turning off the desk lamp, I walk over to Ji's body.

"Baby..?" I whisper, shaking her lightly.  She stirs but her eyes stay closed and her breathing slows.  My smile grew, I hook my arm under her knees and the other under her upper back.

"I love you...." She mumbles, snuggling into my chest.  My heart skips a beat, I've heard it so many times yet it still gets to me.

"I love you too." I respond, carrying her towards our bedroom. I open the door effortlessly and place her down on our bed.

"Mmmm...I need to change." She murmurs, keeping her eyes closed. I frown as I see the dark circles under her eyes.

The beauty hasn't had a break in weeks

"D-Do you want me to do it for, for you?" I ask, heat slowly rising on my cheeks. She only nods and sits up slowly, I walk into our closet and grab one of my t-shirts. Walking back out, I see Ji sway a little, trying to not fall into the bed. I set the shirt down next to her and start to unbutton her shirt, it stayed quiet but my thoughts ran wild. I slip off the shirt and stop, my face probably full blown red.

Just stay calm, nothing you haven't seen before

Moving to her pants and I slowly unbutton it, sliding the pants off.  I grab the shirt and slip it on her tiny body,

"Do you have a fever?" I jump slightly at the voice, looking down, Ji stared up at me with spit eyes.

"W-What?" I ask, folding her clothes neatly, avoiding eye contact.

"Your face is red." She murmurs, reaching up and touching me cheek.

"Your burnin love." She comments, moving my face so I was facing her.

"O-Oh no I'm fine, I don't have a fever." I argue,

Damn stutter

"Mm ok.." She mumbles, closing her eyes.  I grab her clothes and throw them into the basket, ruining the nervous folding job I did to distract myself.

"Let's go to bed."

I stare at her resting face, it was almost stuck in a stoic expression and the dark circles only added to her cold expression.  My arm was wrapped around her waist and the other I brought up to her cheek, outlining her features softly.  The women was truly a goddess but at a glance she might look the opposite, a devil.

"You are.....truly beautiful.." I whisper, pecking her forehead. Pulling her in closer, her face nearly flush against my bare chest.

"And you're all....mine." My grip tighten but not enough to hurt her.

It only takes an hour for her to wake and continue her work in the kitchen as I make breakfast. Soft music drown out the silence and I move around the kitchen in ease.

"I didn't want to feel this way..." I sing softly, pouring the coffee into the two cups. I set down the coffee pot and grab the two cups, setting one in front of Ji and the other next to my plate. Taking my seat next to Ji, I start to dig in. Scooping up a spoon full and bring the food up to Ji's lips first. She opens her mouth and she eats the eggs, a small smile lingering on her lips.

"When beauty is all that will do.." I stare at her as she continues to work, eating in the process, sometimes stopping and feeding her. These were the moments I cherished, where we sat in comfortable silence, soaking in each others presence.

"So sing a lullaby....under the moonlight...." Taking a sip of my coffee and keeping my eyes on my future wife, as she worked. The simple glances from her making my heart jump, the aura in the room stayed cozy and calm.

"What are you starrin at?" She asks, the softness of her tone making my lips twitch into a smile.

"A goddess, angel, my fiancée, my everything, my world, my lucky charm, or even maybe my little devil." She turns to me with a amused looked in her eyes,

"OH!  Maybe the mother of my—." She places her lips onto my mine, bring us into a slow and intimate kiss.  My eyes closed and my hand going to the leg of the chair, pulling her closer to me.  The seconds becomes minutes and before we go any further we pull away, for the lack of air and we stare.  We stare into each other's eyes, like they held the answer to everything.

And in the middle of chaos....there was you

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