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"If we look it at this way then we will be able to consider a new adjustments to the investment into the company." MJ explains, flipping the papers and showing me the new numbers. I grab the papers and look down,

"Ji hasn't returned?" I ask, setting the papers down and looking at the two brothers.

"No...she hasn't been answering her phone either." Jun says, MJ grumbles under his breath. Pulling out my phone from my breast pocket, I press Ji's contact and bring it up to my ear.

"This is Jay Yoon, I can't get to the phone right now. Leave a message after the beep." I sigh and end the call, brows furrow. I press the contact again and it repeats the same message,

"Hey Alec...what....what was in the water?" MJ slurs, holding his head and trying to stand up.

My head starts pounding and I start feeling dizzy, Jun was the first to go unconscious then it was MJ.  I look around trying to calm my head when I'm pulled up,

"S....Stop." I mutter before blacking out.


"Alec." A muffled voice says, I start to stir.

"Alec!" He yells, I shot up and look around.  I groan and hang my head,

"Fuck, my head hurts." I try to rub my forehead with my hands but struggle.  Looking over I see they're chained,

"They're chained." Jun mumbles,

"No shit." I retort, looking up and over to them.  I struggle against the chains,

"Ahh good, you guys are awake." I look over to the person and scowl,

"What do you want from us?!" MJ yells, the guy smirks.

"Nothing big,"

"Just both of your companies." He adds,

"On my dead body bastard." Jun seethe,

"Who are you?" I question, glaring at him.  His smirk grew,

"Bailey John." He answers, taking a step closer. 

"Why the hell would you think we would give you everything we own in the matter of seconds?" MJ yells, thrashing against the chair.

"Ahh you fill up to reputation Min-Jun." Bailey walks up to MJ and caresses his cheeks,

"Don't fucking touch me." MJ says scooting his chair back,

"My men were right, you are some fine people."

"To bad I have to kill you." He says,

"Not a chance you psycho." I respond, my eyes hardening.

"Ah the fearless, cruel, heartless CEO." He smiles wickedly, the door opens and we all turn our eyes to it.  Mine widening,

"Hastings!?" I growl, she looks at me before looking down.

"There's....They've arrived." She stutters,

"I'll be back boys, don't get to comfy." Bailey says, starting to walk out.

"FUCKING BASTARD, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I yell, the door slamming shut.

"I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME, FUCKING RETARD ONCE I GET MY HANDS ON YOU ARE DEAD!" The chains around my wrist pulling at my skin,


"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Jun shouts, I turn to him and glare.

"I don't know what the hell they intend on doing but we have to figure something out before they get physical." Jun explains, looking around the room.  There was a window in the room but it was far to small for any of us to fit through,

"We have to wait until Jay or Seo finds us gone, that's possible the only way we can find a way out.  I saw guards outside our door but the room is soundless, they're heavily armed.  So it'd be a death wish fighting them alone, let alone without any weapons." MJ grumbles, I sigh and lean into the chair.

"So we have to fucking wait?" I asks, the door opens and three dudes walk in.

"Boss man says we can rough you guys up."

"This is gonna be a fun one boys." A clear smirk on their lips.  They all take a hard punch at our faces, blood starting to pool my mouth.  This went on for hours, punches, jabs, upper cuts.  We couldn't even fight back because we were chained ankle to wrist, fucking cowards knock guys when they are down.

"Ok ok boys, beer time." They walk out in a line and the door slams, I spit the blood out.

"You guys good?" I ask, my head starting to pound again.  Our heavy breathing and clicks of the chain were the only sounds filling the room.

"Just dandy." MJ mutters, coughing.

"Yeah, we're good." Jun answers, clearing his throats.

"Fucking bitches didn't even give a good fight.  Punched like little bitches still living with their mamas." MJ says, starting to thrash against the chains again.

"MJ insulting them won't do you any good." Jun says,

"Stop thrashing against the chains before you break your wrist." I add, MJ growls but stops.

"They're armed with G43, stolen, the serial numbers are scratched off." MJ mentions, hanging his head.

"Min-Jun Min-Jun don't you every learn, your not getting out of here." Bailey says, closing the door softly.  He places a clip board on all out laps,

"Are you fucking retarted?!" Jun yells,

"We're not signing it." MJ adds, his voice ery calm.  I can see fear flash through his eyes for a seconds before he smirks,

"Oh come on," He forced open our mouths and makes us bite down on a pen.

"I bet this fucking pen has some type of STD on it." I mutter,

"Good idea, I'll use it next time." Bailey says,

"If you haven't got the memo," I sip out the pen, Jun and MJ doing the same.

"We're not signing it." I say, kicking up my knee so the board falls on the floor.  He frowns,

"That's too bad,"

"Bring it in!" I glare at the floor, hearing the door open and shut close.

"Kneel whore." My head snaps up and in the middle of the room, it was a female, kneeling with a bag over her head.

"Maybe this will convince you." Bailey pulls off the bag and my eyes get glossy.


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