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"Come on now, he's fine." I usher,

"Seriously Jay I'm fine, I'll be up and moving in a couple days." MJ reassures, smiling brightly at Ji. In responds, she stares coldly at the injury on MJ's leg.

"Goodnight." She mutters before walking out, MJ sighs and looks over to me.

"Alec, please make sure she doesn't hurt herself." MJ says, I nod and walk out.  Looking down both sides of the hallway to see it's empty, a shuffle gets my attentions.  I walk towards the dim light peaking out of a crack of a doorway,

"I don't care, find something." Ji's muffle voice speaks, I push open the office door gently.  Watching her, her body stiff and alert.  Her hand running through her hair and the other clenching onto her phone,

"Corey get the bloody file by tomorrow or I will fucking castrate you!" She threatens, I flinch at the cursing.  I was not use to the foul language that was coming out of Ji's mouth, it sounded almost foreign.

Pissed, the only word I could see through her eyes and body language

She pulls the screen down.  Looking at it before throwing it at the wall, watching, as it shatters into pieces. She mutters string of Korean curse words, before grabbing a binder on her desk and throwing it at another wall.

Poor walls...

"Darling?" I asks, she doesn't answer and reaches to grab anything she can get her hands on.

"Ji." I say, more sternly. She snaps around and a chill runs up my spine at the glare she gives me. I walk up to her and gently grab the book out of her hand, placing it down.

"Take a deep breath." I suggest, grasping her hands, afraid she might grab something and throw it at me. She stares at me, fire behind her eyes.

"Baby, do it." I demand, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. My arms slowly wrap around her waist and she slowly melts into my hold and takes in a deep breath.

"Everything's going to be ok..." I murmur, her head laying on my chest.  I hate seeing her so anger and frustrated, combined by the fact that she was hurt in the attack too, made me want to tick at any moment.

If Corey isn't able to find them then I sure as hell was going to find them and personal deliver them to their families, headless.

"I'm so-," I shush her as I gently rub her back,

"You have nothing to apologize for." I mumble, my chin on top of her head.  Whisper sweet nothing into her ear to calm her down,

"You're ok, you're here, we're all here." I reassure, rubbing her back gently.  My grip tightens as I hear a creak come from the door,

"Chief." My head turns in that direction, staring at the tall and lean figure.

"We found something." Will says, stepping forward and extends a phone.  She grabs the phone and she grips the back of my shirt tightly, I gently grab it out of her hand and look down.

The fall of the Yoon's

"เพศสัมพันธ์." I curse, handing it back to Will.

"Corey has the original phone now but he said we should show you." Will explains before nodding towards us and walking out.

"If you want to leave me after this.....you can." Ji mumbles, looking up at me, a slither of hope slowly disappearing in her eyes.

"There is nothing in the world that will make me leave you, not even death can get to me." I kiss her forehead and she looks at me for a few more seconds before laying her head on my chest.

By the time the clock struck 5 AM everyone was up and awake, ready to stable the storm in Ji's mind.

"Что ж, спасибо за вашу информацию и готовимся к войне, мы не знаем, связано ли это с бизнесом или бандой." The words flew off of Ji's tongue effortlessly and it would've of been a massive turn on if I wasn't scared to see what would happen next.

"Пока." She says before handing the phone back to Corey, who had came rushing in with stacks of papers this morning holding his crouch.

"Elena told me that as far as she knows we are the only ones that were attacked and since we are all involved in a gang one way or another we won't know the deal of the assassination attempt unless they make demands,"

"Whether this is business or gang related we have to stay by each other's side, receiving unverified outside information can lead to our deaths." Ji finishes, looking around the room for confused or uncertain eyes.

"Seo, Jake, and Esme will be relocated to Central for their safety." She mentions,

"What? No!  I'm staying here!" Jake exclaims, slamming the table with his palms.  Everyone stiffen, at the moment everyone knew not to question Ji.  Jake cowers slightly at his cousin's glare,

"I let you stay here and you die, thats on me, not you." Ji says, not breaking eye contact.  The room goes quiet and everyone stood still, afraid if they made the wrong move they'd die.

"Any more objections?" She questions, looking down at a file.

"Yes." I snap my head towards Shawn, Jay looks up at him. Ji glances at me for a second and I get the message, nodding my head towards the door.  Jun nods back and follows me out, soon after almost everyone else follows.  The door hisses shut, indicating it was locked.

"Does Lawrence know what he's doing?" MJ asks, sitting down on the steps with a hefty breath.

"Cause if he doesn't...." MJ trails off, Chris places a ice pack on his leg.

"I'd be more concerned with finding who they are before Jay bursts." Van murmurs,

"We have a start, it's not a large gang trying to take over, they know better not to mess with Jay." A horrifying question lingered in my thoughts,

"If they start a war, they're not going to win." Elias adds, leaning against the wall.  He was right, whoever this was, is not going to win.  Ji had the most dangerous gang in the world in her finger and allies that wouldn't dare go against her, I suck in a breath as the words leave my mouth.

"What if the only target was Ji?"

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