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I stare at him, thinking my ears had deceived me. I open my mouth but it closes,

"You don't have to answer it.....I'm going to love you until the end of time and I can wait until you're ready." He mumbles, sucking and biting my neck. I bite my lip as he gets to a certain spot,

"God I'm so lucky." He whispers, leaving a gently kiss on the new hickey before pulling out and looking at me. I break out into a genuine small smile,

"Who the hell said you could be born this beautiful? Huh?" He asks, smothering my face with kisses.

"Ahh stop it!" I say, trying to move away.

"Never!" He exclaims, pulling me closer.  Lucas walks in and a amused smile on his lips, trying to keep in a laugh.

"ALEC!" We stop and our heads turn in that direction, Alec's brows furrow. I look the female up and down subtly.

"Miss Hastings if I hadn't made it clear enough, you NEVER call me by my first name, we are not buddy buddy." Alec retorts, I get off of Alec's lap, much to his dismay. Lucas gets my signal and pulls out his phone,

"YJ you have a meeting in 20 minutes." He says, glancing at his watch. I nod and lean down, my breath hitting Alec's ear.

"I'll see you later love." I whisper, kissing behind his ear softly before grabbing my bag and walking out. The secretary glaring at me, the door to his office was about to close but Lucas opens his mouth.

"Hastings I suggest you direct that glare some where else before you regret it." He snarls, slamming the door and hurrying to me at the elevator.

"Hastings?" I ask, knowing Lucas was not one to get hostile with someone. He sighs and steps into the elevator with me,

"She's my ex......"

"Cheated on me." He adds, I only nod. 

She gets around...

My mind running, the dings brings me out.  I step out and walk to the company car,

"Ma'am, Lucas." The driver greets, I get in and Lucas follows.

"The papers?" I mention, Lucas leans into the chair.

"On your desk, the man himself wanted to hand it to you but you were out." He says, I pull out my phone from my breast pocket and look down to the message.

*Document Attach*
They are planning on leaving tonight at 2000 by car

I click on the attachment and my eyes darken, tension instantly filling the car.  Lucas stiffen and the driver straightens, I look up and out the window.

"Stop," The driver quickly pulls up to the curbside, Lucas looks at me.

"Get Lucas home." I command stepping out, Lucas eyes widen.

"YJ-" I close the door and the driver speeds off, minutes later Will stops in front of me and switches seats.  I get into the drivers and speed off,

"Corey says that if we go at sunset we'll be able to catch them in time." Will explains, holding onto the arm rests as we pass streets.  I make a sharp turn and Will gulps,

"U-Um everyone is getting ready, we're gathering more things before we're all set." He continues as the warehouse comes into view.  City long gone and thick forest covers the area,

"Find the money and kids." I command, getting out the car and slamming the door.

"Chief!" Corey greets, jogging up to me.

"The jet and helicopters are fueled and ready if we need to follow them." He informs, I nod and walk to the door.

"Max and Charles are inside getting everyone ready." Corey adds, holding the door open.  I walk in and everyone turns and bow,

"Chief!" They greet loudly, my hand go into my pockets.

"We'll catch them Jay, they're not getting away."

I watch intensely at the side of the car as my people bring out the hostages.  The drivers side window opens,

"Mistress, Sir Newman has called for the tenth time."  Chris says, looking up at me. I exhale,

He's going to be mad

"Ignore it." I say, he nods and rolls up the window.  My eyes harden when I see the leader being pulled out, struggling against Charles and Will.  I walk up to them as they tie her hand and make her kneel. Will and Charles return to my side, ready to shot. 

The women looks up to me with a glare and spits on my shoes, I look down and my lips thin.

"Did your leader send you? Is he too much of a wimp to face me?!" She assumes, my eyes connect with hers and her pupils dilate.

"He? The leader's all female dear." I utter, her breath fasten.

"Chief, the moneys packed into the truck, we still haven't found the kids." Corey announces, the other members raise their guns.

"You've got quite a lot of people to pull off a heist." I mention, looking over to the other hostages.

"Don't hurt them." She grits, Charles coughs, a fail attempt of keeping in his laughter.

"Heres the thing, you don't get to go free when you take my stuff." I say, she gulps.

"You see....I'm quite territorial, so when people touch my stuff they go bye bye—" Two shots echo and a scream comes from her mouth.

"You're ....You're evil!" She screams,

"Dear, you take children and force them to follow your every command. Turn them into prostitutes to gain your own advance. If anythin', you're worse than me and I kill people once and awhile." I snarl, two more shots go off. She weeps and cries, struggling against her restraints. I grab her face and she looks at me with fear and anger,

"You brought this upon yourself darlin," another two go off.

"You chose the wrong person to fuck with, you're just dealin with the consequences now and not later." I say, letting her face go and stepping back.

"You're psycho!" She yells,

"Maybe." I shrug, reaching for the gun in my waistband.

"To bad...she was kinda cute." Corey comment, Charles smirks. I cock my gun,

"Send these words to hell for me—yah?" I ask, the girl looks at me wide eyed. Aiming it at her,

"The devils aren't working hard enough."

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