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My grip tightens as she stirs slightly, moving into a more comfortable position.  I was still groggy and sleepy but she was not leaving my side, not when the coldness of her skin made me warm. The bedroom door opens and Chris walks in,

"Oh, my apologies, I didn't think you guys were still asleep." He whispers, trying his best not to awake the workaholic goddess on top of me. I peak my head up,

"It's ok, did you need something?" I ask, hush toned.

"There's someone here for the mistress." He answers, my brows furrow. I glance to the clock.


"You guys are bad at whispering." Ji mumbles, me and Chris look wide eyed.

"Sorry baby, we didn't mean to wake you." I apologize, she pushes up and looks down at me.

"It's alright—" She yawns and starts to get off the bed, going into the bathroom. Frowning at the action,

"Who is it Chris?" She asks, starting to brush her teeth. Chris clears his throat, hesitant to speak.

"Matthew Gold." Jay stops mid-brush, I stare. Her face stayed neutral but her eyes crinkled slightly in irritation.

"What is he wearing?" She questions, resuming her brushing, confusion overtakes my slight scowl.

Odd question to ask

"A suit, navy blue."

"Tell him to go into the office." Chris nods and walks out, closing the door. Ji finishes brushing her teeth and grabs my dress shirt from the chair, slipping it on and tying her hair up. She looks beyond adorable,

"Get breakfast, I'll join you later." She says, pecking my lips and walking out. I groan slightly before getting up and walking into the bathroom, minutes later Chris walks in with clothes.

"The mistress says these should fit." He hands me the clothes and I look at it.

Why does she have men clothes? Has she been in a relationship before? Are these her ex's clothes? Does—

"Before you wonder, those are Sir Jun's clothes." I let out a sigh of relief, Chris stiffens a chuckle before leaving. I close the bathroom door and start the shower.

I walk down the stairs, all bathed and clean. Walking into the kitchen,

"Would you like French toast or eggs Benedict?" Chris asks, as I sit down at the breakfast bar.

"French toast." I answer, staring at the room across the kitchen. From where I was sitting, it gave me the perfect view of the two. Ji sat across a man, my hand twitched slightly.

"Breakfast tea or coffee?" Chris asks, when I don't answer he glances between me and the two in the other room.

"Sir?" He repeats, I look to him.

"Coffee." I answer, my eye returning to the two. I glare when the man makes eye contact, he smirks before standing up and walking towards me.

"Oh boy..." Chris mumbles, the man walks in, Jay trailing in behind.

"Matthew Gold." He introduces, Chris placing down the cup and plate.

"Alec Newman." I respond, picking up the cup. She takes a seat next to me,

"Newman? Wow Yoon you really went for the rich one." He comments, my jaw clench.

"I'd watch your mouth." I retort, sipping on the coffee. He whistles,

"Possessive one much." He say, my grip on the cup tightening.

"Gold don't cause more problem for yourself in the business world." Ji says, taking a bite of my toast before returning it back to its plate.

"Ok ok I'll be leaving," He says starting to leaving,

"Oh, don't forget what I said." He adds, going out of view. Minutes later I hear the front door close,

"What was he talking about?" I asks, taking a bite out of my toast. She mutters something before answering,

"I have to go to London with him." She says, looking down at her phone; frustrated. I nearly choked,

"What? Why?" I ask, she pats my back and looks at me.

"Gold is one of my executive and he said we're having problems in London so I have to go with him and fix it." She explains, setting her phone down.

"When are you going?" Chris chimes in, setting down a cup of tea in front of her. She takes a sip,

"In 5 hours." She answers, I frown. Chris pauses before setting everything down,

"I'll go pack your things." He says, leaving the kitchen.  We sat in silence, eating and drinking our breakfasts.  We— I didn't know what to talk about.  I've learned most of the things about her and she wasn't a talker in the first place.  Always quiet and timid, she could almost come off shy if those grey eyes weren't so stoic.  Something that still draws me in, the eyes that look so dead yet so beautiful and imaginative.  To say I wasn't falling harder for her is a lie, I will always love her.  From the day I saw her in that chair, all bloody and bruised, to the now, sitting next to her, in my shirt.

She allures me in like no one else and still manages to surprise me though, we've known each other for years. It was like I know her but...don't. I only found out this year she's a trained assassin that was abused as a teenager and taken from her home right after witnessing her parents death. She grew up so miserably but still had so much love for her family and I can only imagine the things she would do for her own children.

"You are mumbling to yourself." Ji utters, I turn to look at her to see she's already looking at me.  I chuckle nervously, scratching the nape of my neck.

"What were you thinking about?" She asks, staring at me. 

That you are the most beautiful person I've come across and am so lucky to have you by my side. That you continue to be the only women that's constantly running through my mind. To keep you as mine and never let go.....

"Uhh the truth?" I question, she chuckles softly and nods.


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