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I stare at the door, a whole two hours since any noise has came from the room. I was starting to get concerned.  Shawn could handle his own but in Ji's current state, he'd be split into two if he wasn't careful.

"Should we check if Shawn and Jay are ok?" Esme asks, smiling up at me. I grin slightly, her innocence's and purity to this type of world was beyond mine, she didn't know how cruel it would get and it gave me a sense of comfort. Hearing a click and my head turns to the door,

"Come on." Shawn says, smiling at Esme and pulling her away.  I walk into the room and Ji looks up,

"You should be at work." She comments, looking down at a document.  I walk over to her, my dress shoes clicking against the wooden floor. 

Mother would be upset I was wearing shoes inside the house, much so someone elses

"I'm not leaving your side." I say, her eyes staying glued to the papers.  I follow her glare, my brows furrow and then my eyes shift around the table, numbers.  It hurt my eyes to look at it,

"Must you be so smart and beautiful." I whisper, wrapping my arms around her waist and hunching forward to match her angle.

"Flattery isn't their mercy." She utters softly, flipping the page. I kiss behind her ear,

"I wasn't thinking it would." I murmur, trailing down her neck.  She opens her mouth but closes it when my phone rings.  Snarling, I pull out my phone, pissed someone would interrupt my time with her.  I click answer and bring the phone to my ear,

"What?" I bark, Ji goes to give me privacy but I pull her flush against my chest.

"Sir Miss F-Full is looking for you, she's refuses to l-leave." Christy says, a stutter slipping into her words.

"What does she want?" I asks,

"Umm well uh..." She stumbles over her words,

"Spit it out Miss Wright." I demand, she clears her throat.

"She needs money and says she's pregnant." I flare in anger, the room goes silent. Ji clenching the papers in her hand,

"Does the bitch really think she can fool me?" I seethe, Ji tries to move but my grip tightens.

"S-Sir, what do I say to her?" Christy asks, fear seeping from her words.

"Tell her that she should go back to being a whore than a gold digger." I hang up and take a deep breath in,

"Honey bear." Ji squeaks, I turn to look at her questionably.

That's a lot of affection..

"You're holding to tight." She says, breathlessly.  I look down at her waist and quickly soften my grip, she breaths out.

"I'm sorry sweetheart..." I mumble, pouting slightly.

"It's ok." She assures, looking away. I look at her, guilty. Corey walks in and looks at us,

"Uhh Jay, can I talk to you?" He asks, Ji hums; telling him to continue. He looks at me,

"Alone." He adds, I look at him; narrow eyed. Ji looks up at Corey, his eyes shifting.

"Ok." Ji turns to me and places a small kiss on my lips before untangling herself and walking out with Corey. I frown, jealous thoughts filling my mind. I grip onto the table and let in a deep breath,

"You ok?" Jun asks, walking in. His hands in his pockets, his suit tussled.

"You want an honest answer?" I question, he rolls his eyes.

"What do you think dumbass." He comments,

"I...." I stutter, I let out a sigh.

"I don't know." I mumble, looking down.  I hear a clank and look up to the noise, a chain.

"You remember?" Jun asks, I look at him before grabbing the chain.

"You kept it?" I murmur, looking at the rusted up chain with a ring attached.

"Damn right I did, we slaved over those." I let out a chuckle and held up the chain.

"The chain of worth, as we called it?" I question, my fingers tracing the engraving.

"We promised that we would never pull those things off but we both grew out of it, moved on." Jun says,

"But I keep it.  To remind me of the things I'm grateful for.  And right now, I'm grateful to have my siblings by my side and watch as you, my best friend, fall in love with the person I promised my parents to protect,"

"We failed the first time— I failed the first time, letting some sociopath take her and change her into a cold, heartless, broken person.  But when you met her, you looked her in the eye and showed her love. Not just the friendly kind.  The kind where it could destroy both your worlds whether you intended it to." I look at Jun, his face contorted in different ways.

"You are the thing Jay has set her goal to protect with her life whether she realizes it or not, she hasn't been able to fall in love and have her heart broken and I'm grateful for that.  But you.....I know you. And I trust you." He finishes,  a small smile displayed on my lips.  In the moment, it made no sense but thinking deeper.....it had so much meaning.

He was giving me permission, permission to have Ji and not let her go.  Whether it was my pride that could careless for the permission, it warmed my heart.  Jun smiles back at me, knowing I got the message.

"But if you hurt her, I'll chop your man hood off and feed it to you." Jun says, straight face.

"Wouldn't count on it." I respond, Jun smiles widens.

"You know after al—" He's interrupted when a crash echoes throughout the house.  Our expression turns to concern and we hurry up the stairs, everyone was standing at the doorway of Ji's home office.

"What's happening?" Jun ask, running his hand through his hair.  I push past them and hurry into the office, her desk was flipped upside down and things were on the floor.

"Jay-" Corey starts but is shot down with a low dangerous growl.

"What happened?" I ask, Corey looks at me and then the people behind me.  He hesitates,

"I know who it is..."

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