World Spins Madly On

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I thought that you loved me one time.

You smiled at me,

Hugged me,

You even kissed me,

But only for so long,

And just once.

I know I liked you,

I was a shy little flirt.

Sometimes we would run off together,

At the back of your house, into the forest.

We would lay around in the grass, gaze up at the stars, hold each other and you said...

You said...."I understand," That gave me great reassurance because it seemed as if you meant it. Your eyes told me you did

Every time you stared into my eyes, I felt a sense of great danger but safety overpowered it. You told me one day that you would steal my perfect soul just from staring into my eyes, what a pity you didn't know you already stole it.

I guess that's why you left me standing in the rain, by your porch :)

Maybe that's why you told me, to move on, to walk away.......

You wiped my tears as I realised some of yours had also fallen, but you would never let me return the favour, was it because I always said goodbye?

Sometimes when I saw you around town with her, I would wish I was the one holding you, laughing with or at you....... kissing you.........  I always wanted you..

But I never told you. And now your gone.

So now I lay in bed thinking of you, stuck in those moments,

As the world spins madly on.

I found a song, it's by The Weepies! Do you like it?!

Mel <3

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