
39 8 2

Never mind me,

Sometimes, i wanna jump from the  trees.

What do you mean by does it hurt?!

Of course it does!

Thought thats a good question, because sometimes it does and sometimes I feel nothing, so it all depends on what triggers it. To be honest I have developed an appetite. Sometimes I feel as though I deserve it.

Oh the trees,

Just look at them, so tall and beautiful, almost light and airy looking. It gives me a feeling of.... Freedom just to look at them moving with the wind.

Sigh. Stupid trees.

And don't ask me how the trees come into this because I don't know. I guess it was that part of me that felt it was important, the crazy part.

But serious look at the trees, doesn't it make you feel like you would wanna jump. On a cold windy day when the their beautiful dance hypnotizes you with the sound of their thick branches and leaves rustling, when you sit and look down on them from a higher building doesn't it taunt you. Don't you ask yourself. "Am I going to like fall?  Will I be able to dance and be as delicate and airy as these leaves?"

Don't listen to me, sometimes I question my sanity!

But I wanna know what its like. I want to jump and I want to fall for real. But in the back of my mind, there is the possibility of me going splat on the ground....... Hmm?

*shrug* I don't know.

This is confusing.....


All the questions that you are asking right now, the answer is probably yes.

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