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When I think about all the things I have to accomplish,

And think about the things I haven't accomplished that were supposed to be accomplished,

When no one is home and the pressures of life have beaten the crap out of me at school,

When my mind can't process a thing from exhaustion and I have to study for upcoming exams,

When I’m alone at home, in the quiet, just trying to NOT THINK ABOUT the problems, but I think about them anyway,

When I’m confused and sad,

When all these things are happening at once...............

I just melt into a puddle and cry.

I curl up in the corner against the cold wall and cry.

Sometimes I snuggle up against it because I have no one to snuggle up to,

Not that I need any to snuggle up to but just to not lose myself, I hold on to it, to make sure I’m okay, to make sure I’m not drifting, because sometimes I feel like if I close my eyes for too long, I might never wake up, that I may drift away, and sometimes I have dreams about NOT WAKING UP.

But to be honest, I want to wake up, I wanna see my little brother blossom into the man he'll become. I don't want him to have to ask my parents about me because I’m GONE. 


Hi...... Hi guys, having a really bad day, everything sucks and that...... that thing up top, it might not really have any relevance to you and sorry about all that babbling but I had get it out, it’s not put together right but I had to just say even a bit of it. Oh guys check out that other book I posted and tell me what u think of the first two chapters so far okay.

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