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I reflected the light you shone,

Or the darkness as it seems not to matter,

When u fell,

I fell,

You broke,

And we mended each other


You became a bitch,

Something I refuse to be,

I left you

But you left me first

Emotionally you were never here,

You lied to me.

All this became real and you removed yourself from my life

You left the god damn mirror,

Then you just broke it.

Now it's not as if it matter to me, 

Because clearly it does,

The point is the way you've done it,

What you have done to become you.

What, your don't care attitude is doing to me.

The rage has become greater than I need it to be,


You guys have caused me too much!

You caused me my peace and salvation.

What is wrong with you?

Why are you so messed up!

How can you be so demented and twisted?

Your heart has become as solid as gold 

Cold and Hard

Your mind is twisted with desperate, sorrowful thoughts.


It's not like I should care right?

Cuz you broke the mirror.

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