Oh Tia.....

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She gave me,

Kisses on my cheeks,
Held my hands,
And she was there.

She gave me,

Left me to my demonds but only for so long,
Said I was pretty,
Comforts me,
She has held me so many times,
And I think its because she cares.

She had left me once.
But I guess that was because at the moment,
She was battling,
War after war,
And for me,
Because of me,
She lost those battles.

Oh Tia,
You've given me all you're able to,
Your Music.
Your Love,
You told me all your secrets, given me all you could, well at the times,
You've done so much, and I've given back so little,
But please excuse my manners....

My mind is wrecked.


I'm re-building, but be cautious because,
subconciously, I've built a maze to my heart and I lost the map of how to get there myself, well how to get there easier, there are monsters lurking in each conrner waiting to see who dares to enter the little game. Demons and fallen angels, and as you pass a level, a bigger piece of the maze falls off, only because I  trust and love all to easily, so I trust you, but don't you ever think for a second that I do!

Run away with the people you have known to be friends.

Stay away because my mind will tear you apart. But please remember..... I love you dearly friend.


Its to anyone who wants it, okay guys? But there is a particular person.......? hmm.....?

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