I feel like..

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But my tears just won't come.

But my mouth refuses to open.

But I can't take the guilt that brings.

But I can't bring myself to get up and go get my blade.

But I can't, I don't wish to.

But it will be the end of me.

Because its all I can think of.

I feel as though I deserve to die.
Something is wrong me and I need help... No?
I need.. I.. I don't know what I need and I want to just die.

I feel like writing a letter, leaving it on my parents bed, taking my blade, closing the bathroom door and letting my warm crimson blood stain the white tiles..

And the tears fall. So I do have some after all.
And my heart shatters. So I do feel after all.... But my mind....I am so pained so.... Impossible... So cold.. As if I am dead...

.... Please, help... Please fix me, fix my mind. Let me prove them all wrong.. All the bullies and the monsters.. All the talkers.. I wann be strong..

But also... I feel like...

So deep......

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