Falling in love

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I enter the room and saw Legoshi on the floor with his hand up.

"You know, you can't reach the stars if you are in a room"I said, bending down next to him. "Alison!"he said then crawl back. I laugh then got up. "You two here early"said a voice. We turn around and saw Juno. "Oh, I had nothing better to do"he said then look at me. 

"What about you?"he said and I took off my sweater. I had a white tank-top on. I managed to change from my uniform into a white tank-top and some black legging with my favorite sliver flats. I don't want to sweat in my uniform and smell all day. 

He blush as I threw my sweater on the ground. "Same. I was bored"I said as I put my hand on my waist. I wink at him then he look at her. "Ah...um...are you having fun here?"he said. "Hmm. As I thought, is everyone scared of me because I'm a wolf?"she said. 

"Huh?"he said. "I feel like everyone is avoiding me. You see, everyone has already their roles decided for the Meteor Festival, and nobody told me. My role is the backup dancing. What are you doing, Rosa?"she said. "I got the carnivore dinosaur"I said then she look at me. 

"I think everyone wanted it to be ironic, but I bet you can dance as beautifully as you could"she said. "Yeah thanks"I said. Girl, I know who you are. Don't try to fool me. "Oh! Why don't we work together?"she said. "I be down for that"I said as I put my hair up. 

"So, would you mind looking at our choreography?"she said, looking at Legoshi. "I saw last years performance, so I might be able to give some advice"he said. "Then let's get started right now!"she said. "Eh? Right now?"he said. 

"Hey why not? We are here now"I said, putting my hand on my waist. He nod then put the light for us. We started to dance until Juno stop. "Ah...this is where I always mess up"she said then she look at me. "Whoa, you can dance"she said. 

"Yeah. I always dance when I was little and I took some ballet class. Want me to teach you?"I said as she gasp. "Oh no. I don't want to bother you. Legoshi, can you help me?"She said. "Hmm, I've never danced before, so I'm not sure, but..."he said and took off his sweater. 

We gasp softly then I look away. Gosh he is too much. "Try lowering your wrist, and raising your elbows"he said as I look at him. He smile at Juno then look at me. He grin and I blush. I turn around then I started to stretch my legs. 

Whatever he is doing, it is not going to work on little old me. Using that trick I did earlier on me, ha! Don't think I don't have more tricks on my sleeves. He help her with the moves while I practice the dance by myself. I hum then I hear nothing. 

"Just what is this feeling? My heart is pounding... and yet, I feel calm whenever I touch you, Legoshi. I've never felt this way before. Is it just me? Legoshi, do you not feel anything?"she said. I turn around to see her holding his hand. 

"No...I feel it, too. You learn about this in your second year of biology"He said. "Huh?"she said then I smile. He didn't understand that she has a crush on him. "When members of the same species come into physical contact with each other, it's been proved to have a calming effect on the soul"he said. 

"Huh?"she said. "If you ever feel anxious, you can grab by tail"he said. "Hello"Sheiia said. "Hello"Legoshi said. "Oh my, you three are so early"she said. "Yeah practicing to give it our best"I said. "That great. Should I teach you the step?"she said.

"Nah. Legoshi help us out a little"I said. He blush as he look away. I chuckle as he look at me. "Really? That so nice of you"she said. "Yeah we should keep on working"I said. "Yeah you are right. Show us what you got"she said. "Got it boss"I said.
🐺Legoshi POV🐺
"I don't have enough water"Kai said.

Alison stood up and stretch her arm. "And I got to check on the flower. I be right back. Bye boys~"she said. I watch her walk off and I blush. I still remember how she kiss me. Why did she kiss me? "Is one bucket is fine? I'll bring you one"I said then I stood up.

"Sure"He said. I filled the bucket with water then I turn off the handle. I pick up the bucket then something pull my tail. I look back until I saw Haru. "Yahoo"she said. D..don't panic. She just a friend. "I didn't think we'd meet out here. I'm happy"she said. 

I bend down and place the bucket down. "Oh I see... The gardening club attends the Meteor Festival, huh?"I said. "Right. Since it just me and Rosa, we are super busy. Legoshi, if it's alright with you, do you mind helping us?"she said. 

"Ah...I don't know about that. The drama club is pretty busy too. I might not have the time"I said. "Ah...makes sense. You're right. Good luck"she said then walk off. "Yeah..."I said, looking at her. This is how it should be...isn't it? 

I'm maintaining the natural distance herbivores and carnivores should have. I went up to finish painting the dinosaur. Kai was complaining then I saw Louis walking toward the gardening club. He went talking to her behind the stall. 

My eyes wonder and saw Alison listening to her music with her earphones. She love listening to music. Always looking cute. A white fox came toward her and started to talk to her. They talk a little then she started to laugh. The boy said something and she blush. Why did she blush? 

He lean in to kiss her. She move away, making him kiss her cheek instead. Why did you allow him to kiss you like that? She look shock then she slap him. I grip on the paint, making it exploded. She takes my breath away, and drives me crazy and I felt nothing but pain. 

The way she make feel and the way that she kiss me. I wanted to taste her lips again, make her smell like me. Alison...Alison! I could see you smiling and laughing. She growl then walk to a booth. She bend down and started to talk to the plants.

So you can smile and laugh like that too... She laugh again then she touch them softly. She smile at them then listen to her music again. Please stop! After all, I understand perfectly no. I wipe the paint on my face. I love you.

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