Let the good thing keep rolling

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I forgot to mention...Each of these chapters is like the manga. It has 9 chapters.
Legoshi POV
Boy, do I miss eating lunch in the cafeteria. 

Independent life is depriving me of food...Well, at least Alison's parents give me some food but only when I visit. Leogshi changes into his work clothes. "Here is the small make udon you ordered. Be careful though, It's hot"Legoshi said as he serve a bowl.

"Look at me! Do you think I want a medium size?! I don't take herbivores lightly?!"A rhino yell. "I'm sorry! I'll get you a large one!"I said. Gotta treat all the species well. "Oh, you can stay like that! Just use the straw" I said, handing a bowl to a bat. As best as I can.

"We have an order for one large soft-boiled egg! Make it cold!"I said. I look down at my hand. "Hello! I have a brand new job for you"My boss said as he walk in. "Oh, hello, boss," I said. "Legoshi-Kun, it's about time you deliver food to the sea, "My boss said. "The sea?"I ask. 

Am I gonna dump food in a lake? "Wait, I'm gonna deliver food...To one of them?!"I said. "Our motto for this restaurant is 'We serve all animals of all species'! I'll write the address for you. Just say you're from Udon Noodle Shop Bebebe and he'll know"My boss said.   

"What? What? But I have to know Sea-speak, right? I can't do that"I said. "Didn't you come from Cherryton? That's a very high ranking, isn't it"A co-worker said. "No, it's not...I mean it is, but the core classes were pretty basic" I said.

"You're the youngest out of all of us. You have to do all the jobs that we don't want to do"My co-worker said as he walk away. Ah, that's most honest. "Well, yeah, but..."I said. "Aboobohbeebebebehberobponroboo, "My boss said. "Huh?!"I said.

"That's seaspeak for 'I am from Udon noodle shop Bebebe. Here is your order' "My boss said. "Could you say that again?! I need some paper"I said. He places a piece of paper on my chest. "Experience is the best teacher. Deliver the order your own way and come back without a fail"My boss said.

Note to self: Don't ask your superiors too many questions. You'll make them angry... Aboobohbeebebebeh...penpeko-pee? What? I remember what my boss told me before I left. 

"Those kinds of costumer are always hard to deal with. Just be careful!"

I've never met a sea creature before, but I heard they're a bunch of weirdos. My Seaspeak class was all about memorizing vocabulary and grammar. It wasn't about Practical use. What kind of animals are sea creatures?

No one POV
Alison smiles as she walks out of class.

She said goodbye to a few of her classmates. She likes this. How calm the weather is...How the flowers are in bloom...and the fresh breeze. She feels something on her back and hears some laughter. Alison turn around with her dagger out. Ashely laughs as she jumps back.

"Hello there. It has been so long since we saw each other~"She said as she crouch down. Alison glares at her. "Aw, did I scare you? It must have been for you to not talk"Ashely said then laugh again. Alison chuckle, making Ashely stop and stare at her.

"Funny...Cause if I remember correctly, I fucking won and I beat your plastic ass. I am not saying anything because you are a bitch when it comes to getting complaints" Alison said as she grin. Ashely hiss. "Since when did you grow some ball?"She said. 

"It looks like I must have damaged your eyes too since you clearly can't see I am a woman...Slut" Alison said. Ashely leaps toward her. Alison bring her leg up and threw Ashely to the side. Ashely quickly land on the wall and push herself. Alison duck. 

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