New spieces

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🐺Legoshi POV🐺
I sigh as I walk into the park.

I look at my roommates who were talking about this 'beast'. A few days ago, someone took a photo of a beast that roam in the night in this park and the guys wanted to see it. Some said it had a devil tail while some said it is mutated. 

I went with them just in case they get lost or get in trouble. I look around then I saw something. "Um guys?"I said then they look at me. I point at a figure then they gasp. It made the figure look at us then ran off. "It's the beast!"Jack said. We follow it into the woods.

"Guys?"I said then I saw the creature. It spun the stick around then ran toward me. I put my arm up and it hit me. I glare at it. I noticed the creature had a round face with chocolate eyes. It kinda look cute. The creature growl then knock me off my feet. 

I fell down then it turn me around. It doesn't look like any creature I know. Is it a new type of species? "Who are you?"She said as the figure point her spear at me and I gulp. The figure slowly pull away and put it hand out? 

I look at it hand then at it. The figure look at me then I took it hand. It pull me up then her hood fell down. The figure look at me and I noticed it was a female. I lean in and sniff her. She smell like roses, sweets and something else I can't tell. 

"Um what are you doing?"she said. Her voice sound so nice. "Oh! Um sorry, I was sniffing you"I said, looking away. I quickly look at her as she push her hair back. She look confused then smile. "Right. Sorry about that"She said. She was wearing a white toga. 

She had some pale skin, no fur, brown hair, brown eyes. "So what are you doing here? I mostly see police man here"She said. "Oh um"I said then she laugh. "You aren't much of a talker, huh? My name is Alison. What your name? Or shall I call you Wolfy?"she said. 

"I-um I am Legoshi"I said and she gasp. "So this is real"she whisper. "What?"I said and she shook her head. She look at my arm and gasp. "Oh dear. Let me help you! I shouldn't have attack you like that"She said then brought out some leaves. 

"Don't worry. These will heal you"She said. She rip a piece of her toga and I look away. "Relax. You are more important then me"She said. "Sorry"I said. She giggle then warp it against my arm. "There. Once you get home, put some ice on it, Promise me you will"She said as she smile. 

Her smile is so pretty. I wish I could see it every day. "Of course"I said then she held my hand. "Glad I could help"she said. "Legoshi!"Jack yell then they saw us. She pull her hand away. "You found the beast?!"he said as Alison put her spear up. 

"Alison. They are my friends. They won't harm you"I said then she gasp. "Your friends are so cute!"She said as she walk toward them. They walk back then she stop. "It is alright. She won't hurt you"I said. Jack smile and walk toward her. 

"Hi, my name is um Jack"He said then she lean close to him. "Can I pet you?"She said and he nod slowly. She begin to pet him and he smile. "You are so cute!"She said then look at the other. "Can I pet you guys too?"she said then they surrounded her. 

She laugh as she pet them. "So why is she here? What is she?"Collot said. "I-I don't know"I said. "Well I am a human. The how I got here is um a secret"She said then she pet him. "What is a human? We never heard or seen one before"Miguno said and she got up. 

"A human is like me. It kinda hard to explain"She said. She sigh then look at me. "Do you have any food? Sorry it just I am so hungry"She said then I look into my bag. "Um I have a egg sandwich. Do you human eat that?"I said. 

"Yes, I am so tried of eating berry"she said as I hand it to her. Her finger tips are so soft. Soft like a cat. She took a bite then smile. "Oh this is so good. So all of you were trying to find the beast?"She said. "Yes. How do you know?"Durham said. 

"Well you are looking at it. I am the so called Beast"She said and we gasp. "No way! You aren't that scary"Jack said. "I am actually nice once you get to know me. Shouldn't you guys go home? It pretty dangerous out here"She said. 

"But what about you?"I said and she look at me. "I am fine. I live in a cave a few days ago"She said. "A cave?"Collot said. "Yeah. Not the best place to live but I like my alone time"She said. "I think it is kinda late"I said. 

"Well I better get going. I should get some sleep"She said. "Can we see you again?"Jack said. "Of course but not in the daylight"She said. "Why not?"I said then she look down at her hands. "Um well I can't tell you"She said. 

"Hey! How about you come and stay with us?"Miguno said and the other nod. "Are you sure?"she said. "Of course. We have plenty of space"Jack said and she smile. "I would love to but I can't. You know so they won't experiment me and stuff"She said.

She is right. "Aw"Jack said and she pet him. "We can still hang out if you want?"she said. "Totally!"Jack said then she walk toward some bushes. "Go to your left and keep on walking until you see a lamp post. There you find your way out"She said. 

"I can't believe it! We met the beast!"Jack said. "Yeah. She seen nice"I said. And smell good I thought. I look back and look at her. She wink at me as she put her hood on. She grab her spear and went into the bushes. 

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