Louis, we meet again

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🦊Alison POV🦊
I ran for my dear life.

How did I forget? Oh right, someone took my necklace and I can't find it! I really need to find that necklace. I sneak inside and watch as the headmaster gave something to Louis. I saw the other drama club students on the stage. 

Legoshi saw me then Louis walk up. "We're stronger together. We will now show you all the importance of that ideal here on stage"Louis said. We all clap for them then they all decide to leave. I waited for them to all leave then I ran up to the stage.

Maybe it is here. I look around then look at the empty chairs. I remember how fun it used to be, acting like someone else and living in someone else life. It make you feel alive. I drop my book bag then walk forward a little. 

I still got time before I start class. I twirl around then started to sing Someone to you. I could see the people listening to me as I move around slowly. I pirouette then stop in middle stage. I close my eyes and act like someone is there. 

He would move my hand up and twirl me once then stop me. I would walk off then letting myself glide in the air. I landed safely then he would walk toward me. He would touch my waist softly then pull me close. I could see it now.

Someone started to clap and I open my eyes. I look around then saw Louis. What is he doing here? "Who knew a fighter like you know how to dance"he said as he step out of the shadow. "Sorry. I thought everyone left already"I said. 

"I almost left until I heard you sing. I just wanted to know who own that wonderful voice"he said as he walk toward me. "Sorry but my voice isn't wonderful. It is just okay"I said as I walk away. "Don't lied to yourself. Your voice is beautiful. You should join the drama club"he said. 

"No thank you. Thanks for the offer"I said as I grab my book bag. "But why? You clearly know how to act, sing and dance. You used to be in a drama club before"he said. "What?"I said. How does he know that? 

"You should know that some student like to gossip"he said then I groan. Kai or Dom must have say something. "Well still no thank you. I am already in a club"I said then he held my arm. "Why? Did it had to do something with your old drama club?"He said then I pull my arm back.

"Yeah. They never like me and always low my self esteem. Now excuse me"I said then he sigh. "Shame. I thought you are a good fit to be a lead"he said. "What?"I said. "You heard me. You can be the lead for the dance in the meteor festive that is coming out"he said as I look down. 

The lead? In a dance? But if I recall, Juno was the one who did that. "No. I am fine if it is anything else but being on stage"I said. "Well then. How about we talk about it after class? Meet me in my office"he said then he walk away. 

Great, now he going to get into my head then try to change my mind to do the dance. Just great Alison. Just great. Why was I here? Oh right, I need to find my necklace before it turn dark. Maybe it is in the garden?
I arrive into his so call office.

I knock on the door. "Enter"he said then I open the door. "Hello Louis"I said then look at his leg. "Are you hurt?"I said. "It is nothing. You shouldn't worry about it"he said but I shook my head. "Nope. I know what will help you"I said.

I went into my bag and took out some herbs. I always carry some just in case I get hurt. "Got something to wrap this up?"I said and he took out a roll of bandage. I grab it and rip a long piece. I went on my knee then push his pants up.

"What are you doing?"he said. "I am helping you"I said then press the herbs on his leg. I wrap the bandage around then tied it up. "There. Place some ice on it and it might heal the bruises. It wouldn't heal it completely but it might heal the pain"I said as I stood up.

"Thank you. How do you know about this?"he said. "My mother taught me this. Well forces me to learn about it"I said, cleaning my hand. "Well that is good to know. You shouldn't have help me since I thought you hated me"he said.

"I kinda do. I don't like guys who say nice things to girls just so the girl will do anything for them and stuck up"I said as I sat down. "I see. You have bad history with them?"he said. "I do. Tons. I always fall for them until.."I said, looking away.

"Until what?"He said. "One broke my heart by saying hurtful things. I try to forgive him but he said more horrible things. It hurt me but it help me change of who I am now"I said then he sigh. "Those type of guys. I don't like them"he said.

"Really?"I said as I fold my arm. "I really don't like them. They aren't honesty with themselves or allow themselves see that other have feeling just like you"he said and we look at each other. I laugh softly and he look shock.

"I guess we gotten on the wrong foot. My name is Alison and it is nice to meet you"I said as I put my hand out. "The name is Louis"He said as he shook my hand. We smile softly to each other. "So do you want to join the drama club?"He said.

"Can't. I am in the gardening club"I said. "I would talk to the owner to allow you to be in the drama club"he said. I bet he does more then talk to her. "Yeah, no. I actually want to be in the gardening club"I said.

"I saw you dance on the stage. It clearly show how much you want to be on the stage"He said. "I do miss the stage but I decided to take a break"I said. "Or is it because you are afraid?"he said and I froze. How does he know?

"I mean you do have a great voice. Most people boost about their voice but you didn't. You said it was normal but you show that you really like to sing"he said then he walk toward me. "Stop being afraid and show them you aren't afraid"he said.

He took my hand then twirl me around. I look at him then he place his hand on my waist. We slow dance then I smile. We pull away then lean in close. "Will you show them?"he whisper then the door open. We both look and saw Legoshi.

Oh no

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