Scattering Your Scales To The Wind

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"What?"I said.

She brought them here?! Why did she bring them here? Is she trying to kill humans?! "Alison," Legoshi said and I turn around. "Yes?"I said. "I am going somewhere. Will you wait for me here?"He said. "Ah, okay, "I said then he walks off.

"Tell me everything you know, "I said. "I can't tell you everything but I will try," she said then she sighs. "I brought this human to help them," she said. "Huh?"I said. "I mean...How can I explain this? A long time ago, someone arrive at this place. 

They didn't know how they get here but they knew they need to leave. When he was here, he learns about the new things he could do. Transform into his spirit animal and have a unique power. He did everything he could to go back home though.

He worked with famous scientists and they all try to find a way to help him. They found a way to escape but it is too late. He got...eaten. Rumor has it that the only thing that survived was his blueprint and his journal. People try to find it but nothing. 

The only thing they could find was a piece of his journal. A ripped piece that only a golden heart can save us all. No one knew what it meant. A few years past and some humans found ways to become Esprit d'espérance or spirit of hope. 

We would use some spell to make us go to sleep and become spirit, pledging themselves to do anything to help the other humans who were trapped in this world. We find a human who we believe is special and bring them here to help the other.

Once they are here, they need to find their own ways to save the rest of the humans. I was part of the Esprit d'espérance but the last human I brought here...she went crazy. She was sweet until she found out the reason why she was here.

That is why I didn't want to tell you until you are ready. I decided to bring no more humans to this world. I was fine until I saw you. You were so cute when you were young. You had the brightest eyes and fill with so much energy. What caught my attention was your strength. 

Knowing most teens, they would give up and ignore everything but didn't let that stop you. You keep on going and prove them wrong. I knew you were special so I wanted for a chance. That when you were on the roof, dancing like no one was watching. 

I noticed that you were slowly giving up on yourself so I wanted to give you a chance to see who you really are. And then...well you know what happens after that" she said. "So you took me here because you think I am the one?"I said. 

"Yes. You have shown a lot that I know you will save us all" she said. "That's a lot to take in, "I said. "I leave you alone then," she said then disappear. I hug my knee and put my head down. Now, what should I do? I can't be a hero so what should I do? 

I don't have the potential to become a hero! Ugh, why do these things always happen to me?! No. I quickly stood up. I shouldn't ask those questions. I should say that I am worthy of this. I could be anything. I mean look how far I came! I stood and smile. 
🐻Riz POV🐻
I taste the salt.

This is...salty. The sugar tastes sweet. The vinegar tastes sour. I look at my hand. My sense of taste is coming back. "Riz, we're starving!"One of my roommates said. "I'm feeling pretty confident today. Look forward to it" I said.

"I am here!"Ashely said as she enters the room through the window. "Ashely what did we say about going through the window?"I said. "To not go through the window or else you will get caught. I know but it is fun!"She said as she smiles. 

I grab a can and crush it. "What's wrong? Something happens?"One of my roommates said. I let go of the can and look at my hand which has some tomato sauce. My soul is roaring. I'll take you on as my true self...Legoshi. I lick my finger. "This tastes great!"I said.
🦊Alison POV🦊
I could help but chuckle when I saw Legoshi wearing a pink dress.

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