A Broken Electric Fan

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🐺Legoshi POV🐺
I have an internal vault for scents.

For the past seventeen years, I've built up a database of countless scents. But recently, the data for animals I want to protect has been gradually increasing in size. I look at a cabinet. And there's always been that one scent that stands out among the rest...Louis's scent.

I try to remember it. "Hey!" said a voice and I open my eyes. "Don't space out in the middle of work. Get a grip!"Gohan said then we look down. "Today, we've got two guys addicted to gazelle meat," he said. "They're wobbling...but it's not because they're drunk, "I said.

"Look like you can handle this on your own," he said. "Yeah. I'll see you later" I said then he walks off. I crackle my knuckle then jump down. "Who the hell are you? The hell is with the freaky muzzle? You got a problem!?"The leopard said. 

I'm going to use the method Gouhin taught me for dealing with multiple species. First, always treat them like a patient. Look them directly in the eye. I have no chance of catching a leopard if they run away. So, prevent them from running.

 When fighting two animals at once, make full use of your body and expand your defenses. Birds are dangerous not because they can fly, but because their voice range can rupture eardrums. Strike their throat to silence them. And always make the first move.

I quickly attack them. Finally, make them inhale Gouhin's special sleep medication. I place the cloth on their mouth. And that's that. "Need some help?" said a voice. I look and saw it was Alison. "Sure," I said as I pick them up.
"Not bad, Legoshi," Gouhin said as he checks on the paper.

"You get some training in, and my job gets a little easier. We're killing two birds with one stone. Tonight's a good night for a dri-"Gouhin said but stop when he saw me. Not yet...I need to train more. I'm still not strong enough to beat a brown bear! 

"Hey, don't push yourself too much. You'll damage your body. You're not going to get stronger if you do things sloppily" He said. I slowly sat down, putting the weight down. "But...the culprit is a brown bear!"I said. The door open and we saw Alison carrying a tray of tea.

"I got what you ask, Gouhin," She said. She places it on the table then looks at me. She blushes then quickly walks out of the room, saying sorry. What was all that about? "You should find allies, Legoshi. At this rate, the pressure will crush you first" he said. 

I can't afford to let the pressure get to me. I used to have an ally to give me emotional support, but he's gone now. Louis...where are you? Someone knock and I saw Alison with a leopard. "Um someone is here to see you," she said then she looks at me. 

She walks off again as the leopard giggle. "Dr. Gouhin," she said. "Hey," he said as he got up. He hands her some pill and a CD? "This is special music to help suppress your urges. Listen to it before bed every night" he said then she held it. 

"Okay. C-can I...really..." she said. "You'll be just fine now. Hold your head up high. If you need help, you're welcome here any time" He said. "Right," She said as she bows. "Thank you so much!" she said then walked out. She stops then looks at me.

"You are one lucky man," she said then close the door behind her. I wonder what she means by that? "That patient killed and ate two ferrets. When I found her, she was in a sorry state of mind" He said as I got up. "She's recovering nicely," he said. 

"Gouhin..."I said. "Hm?" he said as I stood up. "I've noticed that you never report any of the killers to the police. Is that really a good idea?"I said as he sat back down, looking at his paper. "Legoshi," he said as he turns around. 

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