
The next morning, I'm woken by Tyron and Kara jumping on my bed, saying my name with every jump. "Woah, woah, woah, I'm awake now okay!" I shout over their giggles. Promptly jumping off my bed, they run off downstairs for breakfast with more energy than I doubt I could muster for the rest of the day.

I hadn't slept much once I'd gotten back to sleep, the feeling of a hand running up my inner thigh continued waking me into the early hours. At around 5am when I'd dropped off back to sleep again, I dreamt of a huge werewolf – much bigger in size than the average Alpha male – pacing territorially. Although unsure of its' initial appearance, its' presence had a calming effect, and for the last two hours, I'd managed to sleep peacefully before Tyron and Kara had woken me up. As a result of frequently broken sleep, I was feeling more sleep deprived than normal with heightened irritability.

Regardless of how I felt, today would be about my siblings. As per tradition, every time I visit, the second day of my visit is always dedicated to spending time with them – it was considerate of the royals to give me an extra day, and only natural that it should go to Tyron and Kara.

Once showered and dressed, I throw on a white sweater, black jeans and converse, leaving my hair down to dry. It felt unnatural to be dressed so casually.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Kara and Tyron are having their breakfast while Mum cooks bacon and eggs at the stove. Unsure about whether to eat or not, I head to the coffee pot.

"Ma'am" addresses Jones emerging from nowhere, making me jump. I curse myself for being so off guard. I cast a dubious look at the coffee hes offering. I take a sip, its been made exactly how I like it. How did Jones' know how I like my coffee?

Mum hands me a plate with all the makings of a full English breakfast. Before I can even hand it back, Mum gives me a stern look for the first time since I'd become Prowess. "Don't even think about it" she begins point her finger at me, "You've lost weight since you were last here, your skin looks dry and irritable, and there's bags under your eyes. Eat the food, Anastasia."

I hate that tone. I kick myself for becoming something else for Mum to worry about when she has enough on her own plate to focus on. Wordlessly, I head to the table where Jones' pulls the seat out for me. "Have you eaten?" I ask Jones' politely.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Annie, wha rrrrrr we gunna ve doing today?" Asks Kara around a mouthful of toast.

"What's Mum told you about speaking with your mouth full?" I lightly scold her, frowning.

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