Coming Clean

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*Note: (This isn't one of my greatest piece's and because I feel so doubtful about this chapter, I'll very likely end up re-writting it when I have time.)


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"Raindrop, Droptop
Stressing over life like nonstop..."

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Bonnie's Pov.

Dahlia carefully neared me, with concern printed all over her face. I knew what was coming next but, i was set on avoiding it at all cost.

"You might as well tell me, considering i canceled my dick appointment for you!" My eyes fired up to hers, scanning for anything that would hint it being a harmless joke but, she held her ground intently.

Such a damn wild card this one. She'll most likely beat it out of me regardless of my persistence so, I maned up and told her.

"There was a change in plans and Elijah had me attend the 'ball' tonight." I answered

"Wha- what-wait. That was tonight?! -and he had you go in there ALONE! That slimy scheming-"

"- I wasn't there alone....dimitriwastheretoo." I muttered, interrupting her.

"...what was that?" Dahlia asked, now frowning

I rigidly peered away, absentmindedly scratching at my arm. Grasping a hold of myself, i rallied up the courage to spew my guts out.

"Dimitri was with me tonight but, a riot broke out. We were after the caporegime of a mob going by, 'Aces and Eighs. He was right behind me and then he wasn't, he just- disappeared." By the time i finished, my heart rate had skyrocketed to the roof.

Why? - completely escapes me because this whole thing wasn't much of a secret anymore. Maybe I just felt guilty for waiting so long to tell Dahlia.

She looked at me with her mouth slightly gaped, her body tense as a rock. There was no sort of movent in her frame, it was seeming to get quite difficult to distinguish whether or not she was even breathing.

I was about to ask her if she was okay, when the harsh intake of air ripped at the once deafening silence.

I simply stood there awkwardly, watching her take it all in. By now, she had slid from the wall to the floor, gazing up at me with pity dancing in her eyes.

I looked elsewhere, feeling slightly uncomfortable - words couldn't begin to explain how much i hated that sickening emotion.

I guess it just couldn't be helped.

"I'm assuming the last thing you'd want to do is talk about it, so you talk to me whenever you feel able." She quitely replied.

Though it seemed liked she understood, the disappointment trailing in her tone gave her away quicker than her expressions did. Tonight's event wasn't something i wanted to continue dwelling on. However, i think i should have told her about Dimitri and i from the start.

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