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I am so sorry i took so long to update, a bunch of stuff went down and I didn't have my laptop for a while but, I promise from here on out the updates will be consistent.

I will update every Saturday which is funny because its Wednesday lol so, I'll update again later this week.  

Thank you for sticking around this long and I hope to see you in the next chapter...or not.

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"Sleeping alone is a waste of
sexual talent,"

Bonnie's pov.

It felt like i couldn't breathe, this reality-no this situation stifled me. My thoughts were all over the place, and i couldn't sit still without continuously spacing out. I'm only twenty-three years old, my worthless life hardly began, and now the blinds were forcibly being closed on me.

This man i was expected to wed broke my heart not long ago, and for the longest time, i tried to forget him. The idea of seeing him again made me want to coil up in a ball and wail. He made me feel defenseless, and in this world that was the sole thing powerful enough to destroy the most potent.

Maybe that's why he pushed me away. I suppose we both had to grow's to bad he was the only one who ever did.

Not to long ago, i left my mother's estate in a haze. At first, i thought she was playing a joke on me but, that soon drowned when her expression never floundered. Now I'm thinking maybe i should have waited, and gotten an explanation out of her but, i was all too out of it to reason whatsoever.

It's a good thing she didn't try to stop me...not that i would've done anything, the woman has insane karate skills.

I'm going to have to draw up some kind of plan or at least establish some form of negotiation. I could never live with myself knowing i didn't attempt to get myself out of this. As arduous as it's going to be, i have to make sure he understands he doesn't own me. 

It was currently eleven thirty-five and Evie- oh my god Evie, how the hell am i going to tell her all this? How will she even take it?

I forced myself down from the stool, and grabbed my keys, sprinting to my car. It seems all I've been doing lately is rushing but, now i wouldn't know what else to do.

Once i got to the car, i scoured around for perfume because the last thing i needed was for my niece to start worrying about me. I'm not an alcoholic or anything but, i didn't want her to know I'd been drinking. Even though i only had one small glass.

I did.

I chugged down two bottles of water and immediately regretted it after i sensed my stomach cramping up. It wasn't exactly like it would do anything.

Once the pain subsided, i just sat there with my head resting on the steering wheel. Unexpectedly, the tears issued, and were unable to stop, gliding down my face almost effortlessly. I tried to be quiet but, that just made it hurt so much more. 

For some strange reason, i felt annoyingly hot in my own clothes. My mind was pulsating, and i earnestly didn't know why. I quickly whipped my tears gone and started the vehicle, clutching on to the wheels so tightly that my knuckles turned ghosty.

The streets were hectic as fuck and traffic which i didn't want to stick around for was gradually starting to form. I strayed away from the main road and took a different pathway, leading just bellow the bridge i was on.

There weren't that many vehicles here so i picked up the pace a bit.

As i rode through the numerous sea of skyscrapers, a heart-stopping memory of mine caught me by surprise and of course, it was about him.

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