Break in, Broken out

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Shout out to @skyes03 once again for being awesome and helping me and overall actually reading this.

Can I just say I know that there is more than three of you reading my book cause for each chapter it shows how many people have seen it and this far through the book I'd say that they are readers. I'm not angry i just really want to know how many people there are.

Clara heard the crash of course what with her barn owl hearing, and with her barn owl stealth she climbed on the roof and in through a window (it had been locked).

Meg every so quietly crept up the stairs to her parents room, and climbed in the wardrobe and was a bout to slide the door shut when a white and brown over sized bullet speeded past her and into the clothes.
"Ssshhhhhh, they'll hear you," she stage whispered. They had to be fast now. She jogged down the passage to the question panel.
"I need you to be a bit quite, there are people here!" I said through my teeth.
"Voice recognition complete," it replied quietly.
They ran in and got the first sword, bow and arrows they could reach, before running back. They walked back into the house and were about to enter the living room when she stopped and walked back out, and up the hallway she climbed onto the cabinet and onto a beam in the roof. She had grabbed a beanie on the way up, and as she lay on the beam she placed the beanie over her mouth and said,
"I am the guardian of this house and its owners. I will not say I'm angel because I'm not angelic, no I prefer my intruders DEAD!! So I advice you to get out NOW before I decide to haunt you till you kill yourself but then you shan't rest in peace!! Aarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhahahaha," she screamed and dissolved it into a maniacal laugh.
"Ohhhhhhyeeessssss and leave every thing you have here, including weapons!! But leave your clothes on please!!!" they ran out terrified and never came back. Except one, who decided to stand there ground right underneath her. Using the end of her sword she knocked him to the ground before shooting one arrow near the top of his head as a warning.
"Okay, how ever you are, I'll go away, as soon as you show yourself," said the boy.
"Yooouuuuu pprrrroooooommmiiiiissse?"
He nodded his head.
"Hold up your hands," his fingers were crossed,
"Keep them there and say you promise,"
"I promise okay,"
She jumped of the beam to where he lay on the floor.
"Now get out! or I will kill you!" she wouldn't actually but he wouldn't if she didn't threaten him. And off he ran, out the door and straight into the ocean.
"Well that's that then, isn't it Clara-Belle,"
Hiya peoples
Merry christmas!❗❕❗❕I'm waiting to wake up at seven and its still like six
Cause we aren't allowed up till seven and its quarter past six in the morning!!
How have ya been?
Question Time!!
Are you religious?
I am.
I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Mormon is sort of our nickname.
Don't be worried about people hating on you cause I will just report them. But hey we are all friends here, right?!
Anywho the name (that was gonna be said in chapter eleven but I forgot) for her mum is Emma.
Not because its my name or anything.
Ouat fans, she is captain hooks wife! ( I ship emma with Neil and Grahame and hook?!)
It was the only name requested!!
Please peps
Love yas

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