Lifestyle changes

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1 year later......

"Jenn there is something I've been meaning to tell you.....," said Jeremy in a small tone.
"Yes, Jem?" Jenn replied airily, while stacking the plates from the party for Camilla's return.
Jeremy took a breath.
"Margaret Elizabeth Mary-Anne Jenifor Jones aka Jennifer Sejon, will you be my bride for time and eternity. He got down on one knee and pulled a blue velvet box out if his pocket.
Jenn dropped the plate she was holding.
She breathed for a bit.
"Of course Jeremy!" She sighed as she raced towards him. He got up off his knee and embraced her in a hug.
"Jenn! I'm retrieving my belongings with Iredess....oh!" Camilla stopped before being knocked over by Iredessa.
Iredessa breathed in really deep.
"YOU DID IT!!! You finally proposed!"
"Yes I did!" Jeremy said breaking the hug.
"Ohhhh let's see the ring!"
"Hey me first," joked Jenn as she hadn't actually seen it.
"Oh Jeremy you shouldn't have!" it was nothing big and fancy and covered in diamonds but it was beautiful. The band was rose gold with what looked like silver lace over it. There was one decent sized diamond not to big but not microscopic either on the inside of the ring was carved into waves in turquoise and green.
"Oh ah! Jeremy it's beautiful!" Cooed Camilla.
"You are one lucky girl Jenn!" crooned Iredessa.
"A lucky girl to a lucky father!" they all turned...
"PAPA!!!!!!!!" Jennifer ran to Captain Killian Jones. His large body engulfed her as she hugged him.
"I'm sorry Meg...."
"No I'm sorry.... I shouldn't have pushed you away."
He kissed her forehead before releasing her.
"Thank you Meg."

3 months later
The happy couples raced down the stairs to their various wedding cars, flinging goodbyes over their shoulders.
Jonathan had proposed to Camilla the next day. Iredessa's continuing childhood crush had returned from various places, the war, travels, everywhere and dated her for two months before proposing!
"Bye Pa." Jenn stopped and hugged the old sea captain.
"Goodbye Meg," he whispered.
The couples got in their cars and drove of into the sunset.

This is indeed the end of the book my friends I'm sad to say.
I will miss these characters of mine.
I forgot Isla went back to Scotland and lived out a life of hunting and farming there. you decide if she found a guy.
I will try and draw a picture of the ring cause I made it up!
I'm sad to be saying good bye I really am. it's my first finished chapter book. I am writing a few short stories but they are all in one book called shorts of mine
It has a waterfall in the front that I took a photo of.
Tell me what you thought of the book!

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