Caught, Hook, Line and Sinker

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Jonathan watched Jenn. He only just realised many things about her. Her permanatly tear stained face, which currently had tears silently slinking down, her careworn face, matured and whilst childish, older than anyone else's their age.
She was a girl who had obviously gone through a lot. Too much before she was eighteen.
"Why do you live with Lilac?" He asked.
"I-I've no where else to go, no more money from my parents till I become of age for their inheritance".
"Wait, your parents are dead?" he exclaimed as he drove the little car.
Jenn nodded.
"How old were you?"
"I was seven when my mum died giving birth to one of my younger brothers. My other brother dies the same day on the beach." she paused, her voice cracking, "he drowned."
"And your father?"
"He went into hiding. So he went to war. Apperently he went missing when I was nine. But I only got the letter from the War Office when I was twelve."
"I then got another saying they would have to pressume him dead after three years."
Jonathan's heart went out to the girl. It was unfair that some people hd a practically perfect life whilst she had a horrid one.
"So if you are wondering, I am Margaret Mary-Anne Elizabeth Jennifer Jones." she stated proudly.
"So where did Sejon come from?" he asked.
"Sejon is an anagram of Jones."
They pulled up to the police station.


The blindfold was pulled off. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light.
"This isn't the police station!" Jenn exclaimed.
"No it isn't. Its a special station where we arrest people that are magic and anything else similar to that," Tommy Crutch explained with Olivia by his side, a look of I told you so on her face.
"And pirating falls into that category?" she cautiously asked.
"Yes. You are not allowed to ask questions!" he thundered.
Jenn jumped nodding.
"Are there any officers who will vouch for her this coming Saturday?" a short man with a funny voice asked.
"I will," it was Jonathan.
Everyone was surprised. Never before had that happened.
"Take her to the dungeon," Tommy spat.

(1st person POV )
The room was dark and dim. the only small window filled with grime and barred. It was on the door. On the back wall were these etchings. A pattern. A code.
There were circles with golden symbols around the inside edge with another circle in the centre if each. The golden marking in every circle. Moss line the cracks and the floors.
The only ray of hope came from a small fruit tree. Standing in the centre of the room.

I waited.
Who knows how long.
There were shuffling sounds.
Some one, a female, was annoyed at something.
I heard a loud thud, almost a crack.
Then they opened the door.
Not coming further in then five centimetres they flung in the girl i had heard out side.
She landed with her back facing me. The white and blue jail dress they make th wear accentuating her orange hair.
"Don't touch her," they say.
I wait for them to leave.
The door thunks closed. Footsteps leave.
I crawl over to her to see if she is alive or dead or injured.
She had a large gash on her forehead.
But she's alive!

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