Re-decorating Part 2

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Shout out to @amneiseaeyes for reading commenting and voting. I'm reading one of her books called home away from home. It's really good!!!!
Anyways,,, on with the story!!!

The soft but warm sunlight filtered in the little tree house, warming the girl and the bird, but the bird woke first. You see the bird was an owl, but a very strange owl. It wasn't nocturnal.
It walked over to the edge of the tree and gazed out to the beach 150 meters away, felt the warmth of the sun in its feathers, it was almost part human. The bird turned and gazed fondly at her unfeathered friend. Oh she was little kid cute and would grow to be rather pretty, "although" the bird thought, "she would much prettier if she had feathers." The bird shook out its wings before turning around and plodding up onto the girls stomach and flapping its wings in her face. If course as you may expect, Margaret sat up, therefore throwing the bird out the hollow opening.
"Oh my," she crawled to the edge of the opening just as the owl had, and peered out right as the owl flew straight up right in front if her face, and coming back down into the hollow.
"Well that's what you get for throwing me out!" 'said' the bird.
"Well I never, I didn't pick you up in my hands you were on top of me!!"
They sat there in 'silence'.
"Wait, can you understand me!" exclaimed Meg.
"(Gasp) yes I can,"
"And I understand,"
They sat in silence mulling things over.
"Oh well, lets get to work," Meg said after five minutes. And so they did.
Meg got some sandpaper from the shed while Clara-Belle continued chipping away at the hollow. Meg smoothed the floor out over time, till it was like walking on timber floor boards. Clara chipped and pecked making it one huge caverness space, she even put in some windows!
They stopped for a while, to eat something. Then they both went into the little shack and got all the wall hook they could find. They placed them on the wall with a drill, before going back down to the shack. Meg wasn't going to sit there doing nothing, and one day be in danger and not be able to protect herself.
So she went in the big, floor to roof wardrobe in her patents room, and pulled out the book on gardening. The wall swung away yo reveal a passage lined with flaming torches. Taking the first torch on the right, she walked down the passage with the bird on her shoulder. At the end of the passage there was a key pad.
"Who are you?" stated a electronic voice.
"Margaret Mary-Anne Elizabeth Jennifer Jones, now known as Jennifer Sejon. Daughter of Killian Maurice Jones and Anne Lucia Jones!
"What is Killians favourite book?" spoke the electronic voice.
"Please spell onto keypad,"
" Why thank you,"
The wall lifted up and shut again once she walked through.
"Wow oh wow!" It was bigger than she expected. It was her family crypt, cellar and armoury all in one!!!
She decided to go into the crypt section. The first name she came across was Bert's, the most recent. Then mama then her little brother,
"Anthony George Franklin Jones,"she whispered. Clearly her parents had decided in a name. She felt like they were all there, mama, Bert and Anthony. All there giving her a hug. She went back to the main hall, and walked to the armoury. There was thousands of weapons. But the one that caught her eye was the mahogany, copper and gold bow and green and gold embroided quiver of mahogany arrows. Then there was a silver dagger with a leather pouch. On the handle was a garnet, covered in imperfections but still beautiful. A brass and silver sword came next. It's sheath the same mahogany colour but leather. It was amazing, all the weapons left were sterling silver or solid gold. So technically all the ones she got were the poorer ones. To left there was a little door, labeled 'Practice Room'. She opened the door and found targets everywhere, all sorts off training devices like mannequins and much more,
"That'll be useful soon. But we have work to do," she whispered.
They left making sure everything locked and went to the tree. Placing each weapon in a hook.
Welcome back everyone.
First off the pic is the big tree 1. is the original pic I saw 2. is the thickness of it and 3. is how leafy it is.
(I'm starting to run out)
What is your favourite musical.
I live the lion king and wicked.
I like the sound if phantom of the opera and my school did hairspray this year and I was in the vocal chorus and I'm only in year seven!!
(High school is 7-12) although technically I'm in year 8 now cause first day of end of year holidays was yesterday for me!!!😊😀😄
Please tell people about it some how.
You do this and I will love you forever!!!
Love yas

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