Time jump part two

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Jenn continued going through the letters. There was one from great aunt Horace (who, though being told, thought that her parents were still alive).
"Bills,Bills why do I get bills if I don't even stay in the house?!" she said as she turned to the last letter. Another war office one! She checked the date of the postage. Last christmas.
"Dear Mrs Sejon,
As you are aware your son has been missing for three years.
He was found out to be a prisoner of war in the cruelest and heaviest guarded p.o.w. camp.
The office has had to pressume him dead.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely the' she stopped there.
"Papa! Why did you go! I knew something had would happen to you!" she screamed at the sky, she screamed at the ground, she glared at the paper.
"Oh your going to cry now aren't you, that's it cry like he little baby you are! You sure are short enough!"
She spun around on her heel.
"Jeremy Lambert! Just what do you think you're doing in my property!"
"Your property! Yeah right! This !s where he deceased pirates lived. Apparently their daughter murdered them all except the dad who ran away and went missing!"
"Well no that's not what happened actually."
"How would you know?" his smug look said it all.
"Cause I'm their closest relative. Second cousin on their mums side, twice removed!" Now she had the smug look. "Just go away! this so a private property. So I can call the police. And you will go to jail!"

Her face was so innocent and sweet Jeremy thought as he walked up the path. Jeremy had a massive crush on her. He wanted to get close to her, be with her. But the only way to do that was talk to her. And he didn't have too many excuses to talk to her either.
"Oh well," he sighed, "I'll try again."

Five years later

Jeremy watched Camilla, Lilac and Jenn. Camilla's boyfriend Jonathan was with them talking. He had moves over from Scotland two years ago, and Camilla, a keen monarch of the glen watcher, fell in love he moment he told her that she was beautiful (aka his first week at school).
They were going out finally after both of them flirting with each other for weeks.
Jeremy's red hair fizzed and buzzed at the site. He wanted a girlfriend. He didn't want just any girl either, he was trying for the hardest girl on the school.

Jenn stared at Camilla and Jonathan. "come on! We are going to be late for class."
"Okay! Okay! Let me say goodbye to me favourite girl in the w'rld," Jonathan's accent bounced off the walls the way his hair bounced around his head with its light curls.
He pecked her lips. It was the first time they had kissed on the lips! If you counted that. Camilla's glossy curls bounce and her eyes went big as if she had just been brought out from a haze. She covered her mouth then dhe covered her face. Then she looked through her fingers. Everyone laugh as her bright blue eyes shone out of her delicate finger tips.
Jenn spotted Jeremy. Again! He was always following her and trying to sit next to her in class. She caught eyes through the sea of students before he ran off to class.
"He likes you, Jenn," Lilac whispered down her ears.
"You think I haven't realised?"
"Wait did you just say someone likes The Ugly One?" Olivia Crutch's wavy brown hair and fake tanned skin came sauntering over. Megan stood cautiously behind her.
"Go away Olivia. Just because you've realised that there's someone prettier than you doesn't mean you should rain on their parade." Camilla had fully recovered from the kiss and was spitting with possible comebacks.
"Look who spoke! Baby face with a babies brain!" A new student lance said from next to Olivia.
"At least I have a brain!" She retorted back.
As the two continued throwing lines at each other, Lilac said to Jenn, "You realise Megan hasn't said anything. She looks kinda guilty, you know like someone's discovered that she stole from the cookie jar."
"Yeah well you better not look in mirror, or you'll be screaming the house down at the ugliness." Olivia looked happy with that one.
"Why? You gonna be standing behind me?" Camilla folded her arms with triumph.
"Oh no, that was too far!,"
Seeing what was about to happen, Jonathan stood in between the two, Lance doing the same.
"Camilla? Do you really want to get on trouble?" Camilla was the girl who never got into trouble.
"Olivia if she punched you, your face won't look beautiful anymore!" Lance calmed Olivia down before leading her away.
Meg stood there like a deer caught in the headlights.
811 words!Yeah!
I am going somewhere with this don't worry.
Question of the chapie!
How old are you?
I am 13 myself! I turned thirteen in march so yeah.......

Do you like cheese cake
I do
I'm also really bored.
I have been writing for an hour and a half.
Oh yeah
If you need a good book to read I suggest one!
It's called In The Woods and its by @AmberKalkes13
So yeah
Check it out
No it is not about the musical.

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