Jail Buddies

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The leaves fell softly from the trees. The blue sky winked down on everything.
Rounding a corner, everything is peaceful and lovely and quiet. Calm. Beautiful.
Another corner, another turn. Another twist in the path.
War. Destruction. Anger.
A tunnel.
Too late. Everyone's gone. Al the alive ones that is. Everyone else is dead.
Except him.
Turn around.
A figure appears through the fog...

Jenn woke with a start. Her head was throbbing. The same dream again. She tried to calm her racing heart and her panting breathe.
"Are you okay?" the man called from his dark corner.
"Yeah....." She says breathlessly, "I'm fine."
Her voice is firm and strong as she states it to the man, the darkness and herself.
Every time the figure was about to come out of the fog, she'd wake up.
"Jones! Major and Minor," the door clicked open, "you are to report to the courtroom. Now!" a man said through gritted teeth.
I must be minor, thought Jenn. But why did he say Jones?

She walked out of the cell.
"OW!" Jenn shrieked as she was thrown against the wall.
"Turn around!" a new thuggish voice shot at her.
Jenn did as she was told as her wrists were tied and secured to her back with another cord round her waist.
"You're so damn skinny!" the man muttered fiddling with the knot.
"Well I have been living alone for about....... Ten years. It's kinda hard to get a job when you're seven," she laughed. It was her mothers laugh.
The man looked up from where he was having the same treatment.


"All hair dyes, pigments and contact lenses are to be removed!" a voice boomed over the intercom.
Jenn carefully popped out the blue contacts and placed them in the jar
Then she went to the bathrooms.
"Hair dye remover. Guaranteed to remove all and any hair dyes. That'll do."
The hearing had gone okay for her.
Well she wasn't to be executed.
Who knows how long she'd be in the cells for.

Jenn stepped back to the hall way and back the her arresters.
The door next to her opened as the man came out.
He looked..... familiar. Older.
He looked at her wide eyes.
Her now straight brown hair cascaded down her back. Her green eyes shone.
"You will be sharing a cell again," they were warned.
Jenns hair faded to strawberry blonde as she frowned.

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