The Cow and the Bull

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Shout out to @Blueszebra for reading and following me and putting it into a reading list!

The rest of the day followed suit.
Class, lunch, class, etc.
They switched seats to the front of the room(A/N that's where I like to sit).
They walked home together. And this is how it went.
"You told someone, Jennifer, do you remember what we said about telling people?," A street away from the school Olivia's little entourage had stopped them.
"Oh Camilla did you hear something, I thought.... never mind," Iridessa was a flawless actor. She stood on the left side of Jenn and linked arms, beckoning for Camilla to do the same.
The three skipped straight towards the large group of bullies.
"I know lets be animals! I'm going to be a bull!" Jenn shrieked. She rubbed her shoe in the dirt with her head down while Camilla pretended to be the person flapping the red cloth. Jenn charged at Camilla as Camilla darted away so Jenn was heading straight toward the group with Iredessa and Camilla hot on her heels. Olivia and her friends squashed them selves against the alleywall. Megan and Olivia stood under a flowering jasmine bush filled with bees. The bees liked their floral shampoo, soap and perfume so the stayed in their hair. Olivia reached a hand up to get what had fallen on her head out The bee stung her and flew off.(These bees sting as much as they want with out dying. (They don't exist.))
Olivia screamed. Her first bee sting, turned out she was allergic.
When they got to the Canterbury Road and Tulip Lane intersection the burst out in fits of laughter.
After five minutes of laughing the girls figured out what to do.
Iredessa would go home and ask if Jenn could visit.
She and Camilla would get Jenn from her house, down the walking trail at the end if Canterbury road, and over time Iredessa's parents would be used to her. In a bout a year they would break 'the news' to her parents and ask if she could live in the granny flat that belonged to her Iridessa's uncle. He was planning to move out in Winter.

They went their separate ways. Camilla to seven Tulip Lane and Iridessa to one Tulip Lane and Canterbury Street, and Jenn down to her tree, and put plan one into action.


I'm having some writers block here but I'll work through it.
I have no plan cause I hate schedules and things.
But I'll figure it out.
Honestly what do you guys think of this chapter.

Comment (or vomment)


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