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Jeremy sighed.
He had received a letter from Jenn saying she no longer wanted a relationship. With Him.
'Hey," Jeremy replied.
"What's up?"
He looked up to the bright eyes of Lilac.
"The sky."
"Yeah I spose it is."

"I got this letter from Jenn," he held the piece of paper out.
Lilac read through the note before laughing.
"What's so funny?" Jeremy said annoyed.
"You fell for this?" she chuckled.
Jeremy snatched it back of her.
"I don't get it" he said flatly.
"She has never written like... That!" Lilac sighed.
Jeremy stared at. It was rather in-Jenn like. Love hearts on all the I's instead if dots. The letters were straight and round not in a slight angle and tall. Yes it was not Jenn's writing at all.
"That's Olivia's writing." he said simply.
"Yes it is. Which means she knows something," lilac said determinedly.
Jenn looked around the cell again. Not a crack or crevice.
She stared at the floor.
A bobby pin was lying in the straw.
It was a bent bobby pin. Like someone had already bent it to fit into something.
She was about to pick the lock when the door crèches open. She hadn't seen or heard anyone come through the metal bars.
The person undid her chains but didn't let her out.
"Why am I here?" she asked.
"Your father took everything from him. Your father owes him. So now he wants everything of your fathers. He searched but he found no belongings," the deep voice continued, "except one. You. So he's taking you."
"Stop No PLEASE!"
The door opened again as someone else came in. Dragging the screaming figure.
She was small and petite looking but she was trashing around, lashing out, kicking and pinching.
The blood gushing down her face proved she hadn't had an easy kidnap like Jenn.
She was thrown into a adjacent cell before yelling,
"Ohhhh so youse are big scaredy cats 'ere. To scared to fight to the death!"
Her rough Irish accent rolled off the walls.
The big man threw a rock at her which knocked her out and to the ground.
"That is what happens when retaliate!" the deep voiced man said.
Great. Thought Jenn.
What do you see^
Hi I'm back
I'm giving up in updating every Saturday.
In updating whenever the heck I feel like!
It's probably gonna be Saturday.
QotC time
Haven't done thus in a while
What is your favourite lullaby?
Mine is Disney's (of course) Baby Mine from Dumbo. Ive learnt it in about a week.
Anyways what's yours?
Please comment!
Oh and I always follow back

A Pirate's DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon