The Letter

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It was addressed Jennifer Sejon.
"Ther isn't a Jennifer that lives here though," Meg was rather confused, but then it clicked; Jennifer was her fourth name and Sejon was an anagram of her last name, Jones.
"Dearest Jenn,
My dear, I have decided to join the army as my job. It is a thrilling job
I hope I shall get to see all the world while in the army. Maybe one day I'll be a lieutenant or even a general!!!
I hope your health is better and you aren't ailing to badly.
With love from your son,
Liam Sejon."
" What a wacky letter," she thought.
"He joined the army as Liam which is close to kilLIAN so that explains the name. He has all ready been al over the world and says he is my son. But I'm seven!!! and he starts talking about how I'm sick.
Man I sound like an old grandma!!!"
She pieced the rather amusing puzzle together and EVENTUALLY it came into place.
"Well what do you think if that Clara-Belle."

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