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"Jennifer Sejon! Please follow me to the courtroom!" the low voice boomed into the room.
"I thought...." she started.
The voice interrupted her.
"Well there has been a change of plans."
As she made her way to the courtroom she wondered what had been changed to her sentence.


Jenn walked out of the cell where she had collected her things.
Someone had posted bail for her. Someone... but who?
"This way," a gruff voice instructed.
She walked and thought till she reached the doors.
Well she had to wait for them to undo the many fiddly locks.
The door finally clicked open.
She was free to enjoy this beautiful cloudless day!

"School!" Jenn thought as she walked back away from the building to find a taxi coming round the corner.
"Where do you wanna go?" the driver asked not looking up.
"15 Canterbury road please," she asked flicking back some of her brown hair.
She dropped her things of at her house before walking the short walk to the school.
"What will they think of my hair?" she thought as she entered the front gate.

_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_•_• it looks like a face!!

"Jenn! Your hair! It's brown and straight and!" Camilla exclaimed, patting the afore mentioned object.
"It looks nicer I have to say. More you!' Lilac was the fashion girl. She had already gotten a scholarship to fashion studio in New York!
"Thanks guys," Jenn spotted Jonathan talking to Jeremy. Jonathan looked relaxed whilst Jeremy looked nervous.
Jeremy nodded. Them started creeping his way over to the girls.
"Jenn, I wanted to.. Well for a while.... I was wondering...." he stuttered.
"What is it Jeremy?"
"I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?"

Dun dun dahhhh
Will she say yes or am I going to make her say no.
Anyway sorry my chapters are really short. Its how I (and the most time I have) write.
That took me about forty minutes to write. Yes I daydreamed for five minutes but who cares!
Now I have to write a chapter for my other book.

Are you guys expecting my twist? tell me what you think it is!

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