Winter & 5 years later

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"Mum, dad? There is something we need to tell you." Iredessa whispered to her parents. They nodded.
"You know the posters, with 'missing! Pirates daughter on the loose! Capture for reward!'," started Camilla, "we found her."
"Where is she, did she hurt you,........"
"Carlie," Iredessa's dad, Nick, interrupted.
"Where is she girls?" he squatted down so he was at eye level with his cheeky daughter.
"Here." Spake Jenn, loud and clear.
"But, but, but, how?"
"My name is Margaret Mary Anne Jennifer Jones. My mother dead, my father gone, to protect me."
Nick sat down in his burgundy armchair, Iredessa scrambled onto his lap.
His green eyes faded slightly, he went a tad pale.
"Nick, does that mean A-Anne's......"
"Dead? Yes my dear, it does."
The three girls looked at him puzzled, Jenn the only one who knew who Anne was.
"Jenn, who's Anne?" asked a curious Camilla.
"Oh, that, Anne,....oh she's......" Iredessa exclaimed.
"She's my mum." replied Meg gloomily. "How do you her?"
"We were high school friends," answered Carlie.
The four sat there stunned for five seconds before.....
"Ooohhhhhh! I get it! You" Camilla pointed at Carlie and Nick, "knew her mum!" She gestured to her friend.
"Yes Camilla."they all said.
"Well we were wondering if maybe she could, i don't know, live in the granny-flat out the back?" Iredessa meekly replied.
"Of course!"
"Wait, Really?" exclaimed Jenn.
"You guys are so cool! I wish my parents let my best friends live with me!," Camilla interjected.

* * *

The three walked into the doors of the school.
"What have you got first?," asked Iredessa (who everyone called Lilac).
"Ummm,..... Science?" answered Jenn.
The three girls were now in high school. (A/N this is Australian schooling, they are in year seven. We don't have middle school.)
"You are so lucky to have Mr Briars, Miss Macintosh is the worst!" complained Camilla again.
"The two laughed at their friend, the other realising they weren't laughing with her, they were laughing at her," a poetic, voice called behind them making them jump.
"Go away, Jeremy, before I re-arrange you teeth," hissed Lilac.
"Your antics are so old, why don't you find some new one?" Camilla scolded him.

Hi everyone.
I case you didn't see the title there was a massive time jump.
I'm am bring back question time!
Who do you think is the character most similar to you?
I know it's hard to tell at this stage but their personalities will unfold soon.
I think I'm most like Camilla cause I made her that way.😊
Guess what?
It's my birthday on Thursday!!!
So yeah
Love always Emmaberry123.

P.s. the girl is Camilla.

P.p.s I have written a new book, check it out.
It's called Golden Maize

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