Rationally, it was just a way to add another layer around her marked neck. Subconsciously, it was a quiet indication that something was changing inside of her.

She was awfully distracted that morning, barely noticing the streets passing by as she drove to work, her mind drifting back to the night before, her stomach twisting and turning with excitement every time she relived the sensation of his calloused hands touching her skin, blunt nails digging into her hips, hard cock pulsating inside of her.

It was the unbelievably good, and the notion scared the shit out of her.

Because it was Harry.

The most complicated, frustrating, nerve wrecking person that has ever stepped into her life. The scariest part was the notion that he was capable of turning her head and changing her opinion of him all the time. While growing up, he was her best friend in the world, he was her shelter. While teenagers, he was her major crush, then her first kiss ever, then her biggest disappointment when he simply vanished from her life. Now they're both adults, coexisting for only one month, and during this short period Harry managed to be the person she despised the most in the world and, at the same time, the person she desired the most in the world.

It was frightening how much power he held over her without even trying.

She promised to herself going to his place was going to be an one and only time kind of thing, but deep down she was already planning how to make that happen again.

But that wasn't her fault, really. It was Harry's fault - how would she be able to keep him as an one night stand when he managed to wreck her reality over and over again, making her feel things she'd never felt before? He was the only one to blame if now she couldn't have enough of him.

After parking her car, she went upstairs to her office, in an awfully good mood, greeting everybody in her team with a large smile and pleasant words. Well, almost everybody - she still couldn't stand Stephanie. Every time she looked at the intern, her stomach turned with unwarranted anger.

Not completely unwarranted, but Aster didn't even want to think about that.

She was staring blankly at her laptop screen for the past 15 minutes, clenching her legs together as memories from that morning flood her mind, when her phone rang, causing her entire body to jolt with startle. She answered the phone with a huff, but quickly straightened her body posture when her father's voice echoed in the other side of the line. He wanted to see her and talk about her trip to Washington.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to focus on what really matters - her job and everything that comes with it. She shouldn't waste more time thinking about the way Harry felt inside of her, or how roughly good he fucked her. She needed to concentrate.

Her father was on the phone when she entered his office, which was a bit annoying - he knew she was going there, after all. But at least he was kind enough to turn it off once she sat on the chair across his desk.

They talked for fairly 30 minutes, Aster going over everything that she learned at the fair while in Washington. For some reason, she felt strangely proud every time she had to mention something Harry said or did, and she wasn't short on praising his posture and attitudes during the trip.

The little smile playing on his daughter's lips every time she mentioned Harry didn't go unnoticed by Phillip, who knew in that moment he had made the right call in luring Harry to that warehouse. His only regret was not having hit the boy harder, apparently it wasn't enough - especially considering the dark round shade on Aster's jaw, which she clearly tried to cover up with makeup and the scarf.

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