I Would Walk 500 Miles

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Cas's POV

"I don't want to." I said.

"Please Cas." Dean asked. He looked at me hopefully with his beautiful eyes.

"No." I said.

"Cas, come on, you have to compromise in a relationship sometimes." Dean said. I sighed and looked at him.

"Fine." I sighed out. Dean lit up and hugged me tightly. He gave me a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you, Darling." Dean said.

"I get to wear your jacket." I said. Dean looked at me and blinked once before the idea set in. "I want to support the team."

"Uh yeah. You can wear my jacket." Dean said with a smile. He was blushing, hard. If I was going to a damn football game, I was going to show that Dean wasn't free for anyone to take.

"Come on, Charlie's probably freaking right now." Dean said pulling my out of the janitors closet.

"Nah, she's probably ruling everyone. Like the queen she was born to be." I said with a smile. Dean laughed and grabbed my hand.

"Charlie Bradbury, queen of Drama Set Prep." Dean said in a dramatic voice.

"Her peasants all worship her and her rainbows." I said in a mocking tone.

"Getting all the foreign princesses and making them hers. " Dean said. We were both standing in the hall, laughing our asses off.

"Man, I haven't laughed that hard, actually that might have been the first time in years." Dean said becoming serious. "Don't ever change, Cas." He said, his tone becoming rough and worrying.

"Dean, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just. A lot of shit is going to come our way. And I'm pulling you along with it." Dean said.

"Dean I'm fine. I can handle a mess." I said proudly. Dean looked at me and then pushed me into the lockers.

"You're so hot do you know that?" Dean asked as he kissed me. I kissed back, as the kisses became heated I forced myself to push Dean away.

"Dean. We are in school." I said.

"Damn." Is all Dean said as he straightened himself out. I smirked and we walked back to the stage.

All was well when we walked in. Charlie was being awesome. People were working, my brother was there, some kid was watching in the back trying to be hidden.

Wait, my brother was here?! I walked over to Sam and Gabriel who were happily finishing a set.

"Hello Gabriel." I said.

"Oh hey Cassie. Sammy invited me. And I came. Sorry." Gabriel said. I looked him over and I saw an emotion that he normally didn't have. Love. He wasn't one for one relationship. Hell, he's never been in a serious one before. His need to be closer to Sam, I was now going to accept.

"No it's fine. Have fun guys." I said. Gabriel looked me in the eyes and something flashed through them. I turned back to my boyfriend who was helping to freshmen with a heavy set prop.

"Admiring the view?" Charlie asked rolling her eyes.

"Oh yeah." I said.

"Wanna go check out the stalker?" Charlie asked motioning her head to the back of the auditorium.

"You read my mind." I said. We went out the doors to the wings and walked around to the front doors of the auditorium. The stalker was leaving as Charlie and I stopped him.

"Sit down." Charlie said crossing her arms.

"Yes ma'am." He said, and sat down very quickly.

"Stalking someone here?" Charlie asked.

"Um ew no. I-I wanted to come here. I got fed up with the bullying on the-other club I did. I want to try tech." The kid said. He tried to hide his face even more when Dean walked over.

"Kevin?" Dean asked.

"H-hi." The kid, Kevin, said.

"You were on the football team?" I asked.

"He was good. The guys are just dicks now. I'm glad he got the balls to leave." Dean said proudly.

"I just want to help. I need extra clubs, they look better on college resumes." Kevin said.

"Well get to work, man. We need all the help we can get. Showtime is in less then two months." Charlie said. Kevin nodded and ran up to the stage.

"Dean, your last game is coming up. You just lost a player." I said. Dean sighed and looked and me.

"I know. We'll push through. I wanted him to leave. They were such dicks to him. I mean every practice." Dean said. His big brother emotions flowing out. I simply smiled and realized how majorly in love I was with Dean Winchester. I had issue just knowing that college could break is apart, life would ruin us.

"Cas?" Dean asked.

"Don't ever leave me." I said without thinking. Dean looked at me, as if he was hurt by my statement.

"Cas, I would never leave you. If I need to find a college close to the one you want to go to, I will. If I need to quit school, because some reason you become really sick, I will. I will walk 500 miles just to get to you." Dean said.

"That's a song lyric, Dean." I said. I was already on the verge of crying.

"Yeah I know. But it fits in well. Cas you are amazing, and I am 100% sure I am totally not letting you leave my life." Dean said. He pulled me close to him. I loved his smell of leather, a small bit of axe, and motor oil. I loved his eyes of green, that looked like a forest and seemed to shimmer when he smiled. I loved his sandy blonde hair that was short and easy to run my hands through. I just love Dean. And nothing could stop that. Nothing.

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