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Tony's pov

We were training when sumaira entered in, "guyssss." sumaira slayed  and we looked at her, this girl has changed a lot she blooms everyday, "what do you need?" natasha asked her and we looked at her, she scratched the back of her neck, "do you need us to leave tonight so that you know you and loki?" clint asked her with a smirk and she gave a death glare, "shut up." steve  said to clint and he rolled his eyes, "clint you should listen to elders." i said and steve rolled his eyes this time, "tony you are right." natasha said and i smirked,

"just listen to me ." sumaira shouted and we all flinched, "okay speak." bruce said and folded his hands, "i .. I am going to request you guys.." sumaira was saying something but loki cut her off, this romeo. "no you are not." loki said and sumaira looked at him with her eyes narrow ,he might have read her mind , "i am not asking you giraffe." sumaira hissed to loki and poor loki he can't have even a single control over his partner, "what is it sumi?" natasha asked her , "well i want to go out.." sumaira was again cut of by a unison shout denial from the whole team,

"sumaira you know your safety is at a risk." thor said and sumaira looked down while drawing circles on the metallic floor with her feet, "i know but i don't think that it is anymore you see if something wrong was supposed to happen it would have happened days ago plus you can't lock me in here for my entire life." sumaira said and her eyes started to tear up, "you know it's for your good ." bruce said and others nodded, but i think that she is right we can't keep her like this she also has a life.

I know how it feels to be captivated , "we also don't like keeping you like this but.." clint was saying but steve cut him off, "you can go." steve said bluntly and everyone looked at him , he is not one to agree for something like this, "but.." bruce started but i cut him off, "spangels is right we can't keep her like this." i said and bruce looked at me wide eyed , "i also agree." natasha said and clint looked at her with eyes wide as saucer plate, "yes i also agree sumaira can beat anyone to thrash by herself." thor said and we all chuckled,

"thank you i love you guys." sumaira said jumping and sending flying kisses our way, "sumaira if you want to go out we can go together." loki suggested but sumaira looked at him with a scowl, "no?, we can't?" loki asked her sheepishly, "no giraffe you should have know how i feel but you denied at first now come to me saying my my queen then i will show you who i am." sumaira said and stromed out of the room. We all started to laugh while loki stood there stunned by her out burst,

"loki you need some advice on how to have some control over your girlfriend." i said placing my hand on his shoulder, he shrugged my hand off. "now you will teach me that , you better look onto your own love life first." loki said with a smirk and everyone bursted out laughing, "really tony that's true." thor said and i scowled , "hey i have a lot of control over pepper if i call her and tell her to do something she happily obliges." i said frimly. "really in your dreams?" bruce mocked me and i just sighed . "i will have a look on sumaira."loki said and left, "now i think we should continue with the training." i said and everyone nodded then we started training.

Sumaira's pov

"love listen to me once." loki said following me like a lost puppy, "i don't talk to people who can't even understand how i feel." i hissed and opened my rooms door, "i said i am sorry love please forgive me." loki apologised but i shook my head in a no, "you always say sorry but you never do." i said and looked at him hurt , "sumaira listen to me once." loki said and turned me by my shoulder to face him,

"i am not listening loki." i denied and shook myself to get out of his hold, "love i am sorry i know how you feel but you are the one only love of my life and i can't bear to even imagine you hurt . Please love i just want to go with you too ensure you are okay." loki said without stopping and i stared at him blankly with my mouth wide open, "i can't take you with me loki , this is just a friends time out i am sorry for this but i promise i will give you a call in every now and then to keep you ensured of my safety." i said with a smile and loki smiled then leaned down and kissed me softly,

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