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Sumaira's pov

I took a shower and headed to the dining room for breakfast, "morning." i said entering in , "afternoon." steve corrected and i rolled my eyes, "okay so you have something to tell?" nat asked me as i took my seat on the table, "i don't remember ." i said totally dumbfound, "really?" nat said narrowing her eyes at me in suspicion, "what are you asking about?" i asked her back panicking as she still glares at me , "one word loki." nat said and i choked on my food , "what are you guys talking about?" tony asked coming towards us , "sumaira might have something to tell us." nat said with a smirk and i glared at her,

"what is it tell us ." clint said eagerly , i face palmed and sighed knowing they all won't let me live if i don't tell them what is going on, "did loki do something?" thor asked me worried, "oh if he did something i am.." thor was saying but i cut him off by a sudden shouting, "he asked me to come to the roof top today at night." i said in a swift and covered my face with my hand , "so basically a date." steve said and i removed my hand to see thor and nat giving me a goofy smile , "so is it really a date?" nat asked me with a slow tone ,

"gosh  maybe yes or no he did not said anything like that." i said with an eye roll and started to eat, "i will go have a view on the lover boy ." tony said while giving me a wink to which i just huffed, "aww finally ." bruce said looking at me with a big smile and i just gave a small smile, "do you need help dressing up?" nat asked me and i looked at her , "umm no i am not gonna do anything like being a lady if he wants to date me he will have to handle me the way i am." i said and looked at steve who was looking like a  proud father at me,  "but you should make some efforts from your side too." clint said pouting and i chuckled ,

"let me give you some advice never make the one you love feel that you are happy without them." steve said and i nodded, "it is also said that don't show some one your good side to make them stay show them your worst site and see if they stay and if they do then they love you more than anyone can ever do." i said and folded my hands, "it's no use to argue to a lawyer." bruce said and i giggled.

Then i went to the living room and decided to give my aunty a call as to get some information of Ramadan, "asalamoalikum aunty." i greeted as i heard the line connecting , "walakumsalam sumaira how are you?" my aunt asked me and i smiled it feel good to hear her voice, "i am fine what about you?" i asked her , "i am good but it feels bad that you are not gonna come here for ramadan." my aunty said in a tone which makes me giggle, "i am sorry i wanted to come but you know my safety is at a risk and all of the people here won't let me." i said with a sigh ,

"it's okay but remember ramadan starts tomorrow so you better be ready to get up at fajir ." she said and i gave a heartily chuckle , "ofcourse waking up at 3 or 3:30 in the morning isn't a big deal sleeping after that is." i said and picked a book from the side, "yeah i know but do you need me to wake you up?" she asked me and i gave it a thought, "no not at all your time line is different from new york you are about nine hours early than us." i said and pinched the bridge of my nose,

"oh i see it's okay just see your time lines time sheet for sehri and iftari ." my aunt said and i smiled, "i would do that you just take care , i will give you a call when i will be free." i said softly and slowly. "yeah and tell me about your mr.right aiman told about it all to me." my aunt said and my eyes went wide , "she did what?" i asked her while cursing aiman in my mind, "well now just tell me are you guys together till now or not." my aunty said and i sighed in defeat, ofcourse she is a openmind lady not a orthodox and she was first one from all my relatives to show up when i needed parental care.

"no we are not yet together." i said a bit hurt myself that we are not yet together, "when you guys together won't it be awesome like he will take care of you and you will be nice to him awwww." she said adoring, "wait a second i am not gonna be nice to him i will still behave like i always do fighting with him is my only way." i said and laid back on the couch, my aunt laughed and then we talked for a little more while then i headed to my room to get some alone time but i haven't seen loki since he left my room.

Loki  Princess (loki Love Story) Completed ☑️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon