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Sumaira's pov

"what happened? " I asked entering into the living room,
"we actually went for a mission and we had to get hulk out as we needed back up and now Bruce is not getting back and we are left with hulk. " Steve said rubbing his face,
"did you try the sun's getting low?" I asked Nat and she nodded a yes, 
"it does not works. " Nat said and sighed, "what about sleeping dose?" Tony asked,  "are you mad it will not cool him. " Clint said and i nodded in agreement, 
"guys I have a plan can you come here. " I said and all of them headed towards me, "not you Mr. Giraffe. " I said and everyone looked at me,  "what it is not necessary for him to know. " I said folding my hands and he nodded to others,

"speak up. " Thor said and i nodded, 
"hulk hates Loki right? " I asked then and they all nodded,  "why don't we send Loki in front of him and like you know some bang bang and then cool. " I said while doing gestures from my hands,  "why do you hate him that much? " Tony said and i narrowed my eyes,  "is a reason needed for that?" I asked and Steve placed a hand on my shoulder,  "I think we need to think of another plan. " Steve said and everyone nodded,  "Nat you know something he does to cool down?" I asked Nat as she really observers a lot,  "well he listen to slow music. " Nat said and i smiled, 

"but that won't happen as he was really aggressive when we tried to approach him. " Clint said and i looked at him with a worried expression,  "let me try. " I said and they all looked at me in shock,  "what no what if he hurts you? " Thor said , "even banner himself would regret if you got hurt because of hulk. " Steve said,  "that's the point inside him a part is always banner that will stop him from hurting me. " I said and they looked at me amazed,  "sumaira you are the head of my law department from tomorrow. " Tony said I chuckled,  "I can be but you need to pay me good money. " I conditioned and Tony nodded with a grin,  "money is no problem I need talent. " Tony said and i smiled back.

"let's give it a try. " Clint said and we looked at Loki,  "what I am. Not going to that beast he will again smash me. " Loki said raising his hand and we giggled,  "won't be needed sumaira is going. " Thor said and he looked at me a bit concerned,  "are you guys crazy?,  what if she gets hurt?, let it be i will go. " Loki said marching forwards only to be flicked back by my powers,  "first you don't have to worry about me there are my peoples to do that second what will you do by going in that room get your self beaten?" I asked him and he groaned,  "just sit here with the others and don't act like you care for me. " I said and stromed to the room where hulk was.

"hey hulk. " I said entering into the room,  "go away or hulk smash you. " hulk said banging his hand on the floor,  "no you won't. " I shouted back,  "hulk smashs people. Hulk is a monster " hulk said some what hurt I can read that,  "hulk smashs bad people. He is a hero not monster " I corrected him and he looked up at me. "now don't be an asshole and act mature. " I said scolding him like a mother,  "you small. " hulk said and i smiled knowing he is getting friendly,  "and you big. " I said and headed towards him,  "don't come I.. " hulk was shouting as i headed closer to him but I cut him off,  "no hulk no smash, don't be a sucker ." I shouted and he looked at me confused while tilting his head, 

"I won't go. " hulk said folding his hand,  "I don't want you to. " I said placing a hand on his legs,  dude he is a Giant from. Close view,  "but you like banner. " hulk said and i laughed,  "we like him as much as we like you. " I said with a smile and he smiled back,  "you know I wanted to send Loki here so that you could enjoy smashing him. " I said grinning and hulk grinned back,  "puny god ." hulk said and i laughed,  "yeah anyway we can't do that others won't like that. " I said and hulk nodded. then I tried to comfort him but it was getting late so I decided to lay down on the floor, 

"what doing? " hulk asked me,  "listening to music you want to listen? " I asked hulk as i pulled my earphones out from my pocket,  "too small like you. " hulk said pointing to the earphones, I rolled my eyes and chuckled.   "okay then how about I ask Jarvis?" I suggested and he nodded then laid next to me, "hey Jarvis play some slow song. " I said and the music started to play,  it took about three songs to get banner back,  "guys he is back. " I said to the camera knowing they were watching me,  "gosh how did you managed to do that?" Clint asked me,  "cheesey lines ." I said with a wink ,

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