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Hi beautiful people, I hope you are doing good. Lockdown is officially coming to an end soon in France. 

About the picture, I offer you a sexy Tin who wants to eat his sweet cute Cantaloupe.

Love by chance the series season 2 is happening and I am so happy! (sadly Saint is not coming back😭).


General Pov.

Ae smiles softly as he reads the text sent by Pete. Since their meeting back in Bangkok, they have exchanged numbers and meet a couple of times in Tokyo. 

He turns off the stove then sits to answer the invitation to go watch a movie. 

'Hopefully alone this time...' He hopes remembering how two annoying people have crashed their date.

Date...Ae is not even sure how he should call their relationship at this point. He knows there is too much chemistry between them to call themselves just friends...

"Ae..." A whiney voice interrupts the train of his thoughts.

Not even bothering to acknowledge his friend's presence, Ae heaves a sigh only to stand up and to remove the risotto from the now cool pan. 

"Ae..." The voice is getting closer. "Stop ignoring me!" 

"What is going on again, Can?" He concedes as he glances towards his friend.

'I am still angry about you and Tin crashing my alone time with Pete.'

"I don't know, Ae..." Can says sounding genuinely lost.

Ae puts the plate on the kitchen window ringing for a waiter to bring the warm plate to the customer then he turns to face his friend. Can is staring at him with begging eyes.

"What don't you understand Can?" The young chef asks testily.

He has always been known for his great patience but lately, Ae notices he doesn't have as much as before.

"How do I know if I like Tin?"

And once again, Ae feels the urge to slam his head against the nearest wall just to avoid this situation...instead he heaves a sigh then stares at Can.

"I mean we are not like Pete and you."

Ae raises an eyebrow at the mention of Pete, wondering if they are looking like a couple to others.

'Ah! That's rich, the farthest, we have gone so far, was sitting next to each other or me holding him by his elbow.'

"And...we are both men!" Can shouts with a deep reddened face.

"No shit, Sherlock."


"Are you from the dark ages or what Can?"

"You know what I mean, Ae! Is it possible for Tin to really like me?" Despite looking uncertain, Ae notices a small note of hope in his friend's voice.

Taking pity of him, Ae decides to take another approach.

"Look, you will never know if you don't ask him yourself. What is the worse that can happen?"

"Being rejected?"

"Maybe but for what I have seen so far, Tin is a stubborn guy who doesn't go after someone if he wasn't serious to start with. I think the one who is scared to be rejected is him, not you." Ae says.

"What? But he is so sure of himself and so focused on anything he does. Tin is in control of everything he does, he is technically fearless and..." Can rambles, unaware how much he looks like a lovesick schoolgirl.

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