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Hi beautiful people,

Here another funny chapter with a crazy Pha.


Barame Kongthanin was a well-accomplished man. Loved and respected by many and envied by others for his success.

Which is why he was puzzled when the chief nurse warned him of an important guest waiting in his examination office.

'It is strange...'

The former surgeon opened the door, a greeting already on his lips when he got tackled by a lightweight.

He glanced down to see his grandson, Phana.

Happy but wondering how his grandson ended up in the hospital, Barame carried him in his arms.

"I am surprised to see you, Pha...did you come with your parents? Where is Beam?"

"I ran away from home! Daddy is a meanie! He said I can't marry Mommy!" Pha said before he started sniffing miserably.

"You came...alone?"

Pha nodded, not feeling he wanted to talk. He was too heartbroken for that.

'We already know that Pha was a bit ahead for his age...but this is getting dangerous.'

"All right, Pha! Why don't you stay with grandpa?" He asked earning himself an enthusiastic nod from his grandson. "Grandpa needs to finish to write some paperwork and I will drive you home."


'No to going home?'

"Daddy doesn't want to share but he keeps saying sharing is caring! I want to marry mommy and he said no. Daddy doesn't like me!" By the end of his sentence, Pha was crying his eyes out.

Barame had to bite his lips as to not laugh out loud, knowing the little boy wouldn't understand the origin of his hilarity.

"So I ran away from home."

"Really?" Barame decided to give up on the paperwork and to sit his grandson on his knees instead.

"Yes! I am going to see granny Jayna to tell her Daddy is a bad person so she can punish him and then I will marry Mommy!" The five years old explained between sniffing and rubbing his reddened eyes.

"How are you going to go to Bangkok? We are living in Japan."

"I will take the plane."

"Wow! Pha is really smart!" Barame praised the little boy who flashed him a small smile.

"But why did you stop at the hospital instead of the airport?" He couldn't help but ask, knowing full well the answer.

"Because I don't know where it is and you know!"

"Really? Grandpa knows?"

Pha nodded, staring at his grandfather, not understanding why the elder man needed him to reassure him of what he knows.

'Maybe grandpa is tired. I should have gone to Forth's house and asked Uncle Dylan or Auntie Namie.'

"But you know, Pha. Granny Jayna is not in Bangkok, she went to New York."


"Yes, Daddy didn't tell you?"

"Maybe but I forgot," Pha answered feeling sad. "I don't understand, grandpa. I love Daddy very much so why can't I marry Mommy?"

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