Picking his interest

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Hi beautiful people,

I hope the wait wasn't too long?


General Pov.

The four little kids were watching Sophia and Jayna were giggling as they were looking through the pages.

"What are you doing, grandma?" Pha asked them.

"Nothing, we are just looking at your parents' album photos when they were younger."

"Really?" The little boys asked excitedly.

The grandmothers nodded as the little boys came closer. With some help, Pha and Beam sat between them and they looked at the photos with wide sparkling eyes.

The photos were showing a young Jeerawath with a baseball bat. Another was Uncle Kit dancing at some talent show when he was a teenager.

"Daddy is a ninja turtle?" Forth asked curiously when he saw a picture with his father jumping from what appeared to be the edge of a rooftop.

"No, sweetie but your father was a big fan of parkour when he was younger. That's how he met Uncle Sathit." Jayna explained to the wide-eyed boys.

"I want to parkour!"

"Me too!"

Not far from them, Beam and Wayo who were playing, glanced at them curiously before they stood up and joined them.

"Ma!" Yo shouted recognising the upside down picture of his mother dressed in traditional Thai clothes.

"Yes, it has been taken during the pageant event."

"What?" Forth asked confused by the word.

"It is a beauty contest wherein the end someone is chosen as the most beautiful."

"So it means Beam can participate?" Pha asked,  contemplating the idea with great interest.

The three grandmothers didn't know if they should roll their eyes or find the request cute.

"Yo can participate because he is really cute." Forth added, hugging his little brother closer to his chest.

The toddler attempted to put a picture into his mouth but he was stopped right on time by Sophia.

"If one day they organised a contest of cute babies, I am sure Beam and Yo will win," Jayna said.

The older brothers nodded vigorously at the hypothetical announcement.

"B is cute?" Beam asked Pha who nodded eagerly before he kissed him on the cheek. "Mae is cute, Daddy is cute, Pumpin is cute, P'Pha is cute, Yo is cute, Pring is cute, P'Forth is cute."

Forth frowned at being called cute while Pha was beaming with happiness.

His little brother made a long sentence and he called him cute.

"I am not cute, Beam! I am handsome and manly!" Forth corrected as nicely as he could considering Beam was his archenemy.

"Huh?" Beam uttered.

"Yes, I am handsome. Not cute!" Forth confirmed with conviction.

Beam stayed silent for a moment before his face morphed into happiness.

"P'Forth is ugly!"

Pha snickered but a glare from his best friend silenced him.

"I am not ugly! I am handsome. Hand...some!"

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