Thirteen-"I'm going to test you on older Disney movies..."

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Jack's P.O.V

It's been four days since Riley fell ill. Madison has been here every day helping me make sure Riley's okay. She's brought homemade soup, fruits, and she even cooked us dinner the past two days. It was sweet of her. Riley, Madison, and I have all gotten a lot closer to each other. Especially Riley and Madison. Madison had been bringing her dolls and had let Riley keep it and play with them, it was a great sight. Madison has been such a great help that it just lifts a ton of weight off my shoulder.

At first I was worried for her to be spending too much time in the same house that my father is in, but as expected he was passed out most of the time. The time he did wake up, I hid Madison inside my closet until he grabbed another 6 pack of beer and went back to his room.

I've been thinking so much about it lately. What would happen if we were more than friends? Would my father hate me more? Would he take it out on Riley? What if he takes it out on Madison?

"Jack," I looked up to find Madison shaking her hand in front of my face looking worried.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded, my mind was still overthinking everything. I looked around the room and saw Riley sleeping on the couch, her head slightly tilted to the ground, her feet dangling from the couch.

"I was going to move her, but decided against it when I figured out she was a light sleeper."

I nodded, "Thanks, umm I'm sorry we couldn't go out on our date."

She smiled and shook her head. "Hey, it's okay, Riley is important. We can go on our date another time if you aren't against it." She walks to the kitchen and starts looking through the drawers and cabinets to make spaghetti. When she finds the box of spaghetti she shakes it in front of me.

"Wanna help me cook it?"

"Yeah, sure," I went to the pantry and grabbed a can of pasta sauce and took out the beef from the freezer.

"What's your favorite food?" Madison asks me as she puts the seasoning in the pan that has the beef.

"Uhh, I don't know actually, I can never decide it's so hard for me," I laughed lightly.

"I guess Lasagna, how about you?" I shrugged lightly and continued my focus on the spaghetti.

"Pizza, for sure." She answered right away.

"Yeah? What's your favorite pizza?" I asked her as I began to make a small salad.

"So, of course Cheese Pizza but gosh Barbeque Chicken and Macaroni Cheese Pizza is heaven, it's so freaking delicious." She was so passionate when she talked, it was cute.

"Well, you'll have to take me one day, I've never tried either." I sent her a small glance hoping she got my hinted message.

"I guess, I will. I mean you truly haven't lived life until you tried them." She winked at me.
I laughed.

Gosh, why do I laugh so much when I'm around her?

"Hey, can we watch a movie while the food cooks?" She asks as she pushes the pan filled with Garlic Bread in the oven.

"Sure, anything in particular you want to watch?" I asked her as I grabbed the Chocolate Chip cookies in its box and two water bottles from the refrigerator.

As I sat in the empty space next to her I pushed the cookies toward her in an attempt for her to take some, if she didn't I'm convinced I'll eat it all.

She nodded excessively and grabbed 3 cookies.

"Listen, don't judge me for how much I eat, because I eat way too much sometimes." She took a bite out of the cookie and groaned.

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