Five-"Please be careful,"

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I woke up feeling numb. The pain. Yeah, I was used to it, but, gosh did it hurt. I looked to see my bed empty, worried, I got up looking for Riley. But, getting up was harder than it seems, my eyes still opaque, hadn’t helped at all. I held on to the side of the bed to hold my balance.

I got up but wobbled a bit. Every step I made had to be held on to and I had to be careful.

I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my face to at least see better, when I noticed the huge purplish welt on my face. Damn. Oh well
No one will notice.

See, I started using my mask to cover up my face when the abuse and beatings started, which have been going on for a couple of years now. I think it all started when dad wanted a divorce with mom, keep in mind they were really happy together they weren’t having problems that I think deserve a divorce. Dad had thought mom was cheating on him, but it was actually quite the opposite I think he was insecure about maybe not being enough, but when he realized that his insecurities blocked his conscious, he was cheating on my mom all along.

I grabbed the foundation I have in the bathroom, yes, I do cover my face with a mask, but I truly don’t want to have to look in the mirror and have my reflection beaming back with a broken boy. I’m already torn up.

I applied it all over my face and neck and started blending it all in. The process took quite a while, but honestly just looking at myself, I hate it. All of it. It’s awful knowing that I have to cover all this up because my abusive, alcoholic, father. I grabbed my mask and slid it on my head, adjusting it to cover my face correctly. I snatched my bag from the floor, and I hurried down stairs. I saw Riley patiently waiting in the kitchen.

I cursed, silently. Poor thing is probably starving.

“Good morning, Princess.” I announce right when I sat on the chair for the island, inside the kitchen.

“Hi Jacky!” She climbed on my lap, and pulled half of the mask out to kiss my cheek.

“Jacky, can I have chocolate chip waffles?” She asked me with those big brown eyes, popping out.

I ruffled her hair and chuckled, “Of course you can, Princess.”

I grabbed the pancake mix, some milk, eggs, vanilla extract, and started mixing them all together. I grabbed the chocolate chips, from the back of the cabinet to hide it from Riley, and poured a whole cup of it and whisked it all together. I turn on the waffle toaster and sprayed some butter in it then poured enough mix to make two waffles. I waited a while before flipping them. I did the same thing until I finished the mix, in the end I made five waffles, three for her and two for me. I grabbed the orange juice carton from the refrigerator and poured her a cup. I made some coffee We ate in peace. Every now and then I’d make a joke to lighten up her mood which would make her die of laughter. That’s what makes me happy honestly. My princess smiling.

I dished the plates, forks, knives, and cups, and wiped the table. I started organizing Riley’s books and made sure everything is in her bag. I got my bag and started walking out the house with Riley holding my hand. I locked the door and started walking to her school, Ligonier Valley Elementary school. I dropped her off, but not before getting a big fat kiss on my cheek. She hugged me tighter than she usually does, that’s not all that was weird, no, she worried me when I started feeling tears on me that I realize something really is going on. I bent down to her level to talk to her easily, I removed the piece of her that got out of her messy ponytail, which she did alone today, and looked at her.

“What’s wrong, princess?”  She shook her hand and tried to walk away, allowing me to grab her and pull her back.

“You know what? Let’s have a day only us two, we could do whatever you want, and go anywhere you want okay, princess?”

She jumped up and down and screamed in excitement.

“Yes yes yes!!!! Thank you Jacky!” Another kiss on the cheek and she threw her bag to the floor and started running. I laughed, picked up her bag, and ran after my little princess.

“Okay, okay, where does my princess want to go to?” I asked her. She acted as she was thinking by putting her fingers and stroking her imaginary beard, when she snapped her fingers and jumped.

“Can we go to the Zoo? She questioned.

“Of course, I’ll just have to sneak home to get some money, alright?” She quickly nodded, and whispered,

“Please be careful,”

I looked at her and I feel for her. I wish I could take her away from here, where she’s far from all of this and safe. And that will be the last thing I do if I have to.

“Let’s go,” I put my hand out for her to grab and we started walking. The sky was pretty today. The trees were a really healthy green. Riley beside me made everything color. She gave off this demeanor that made everything better and more colorful. She would give off a soft smile and the whole room would light up. Imagine her actual, beautiful smile, damn she’d light up the whole world. Her laugh, it made you laugh, it made you want to never stop laughing. I know it seems a bit too much. But, I’ve only had her for the past couple of years, we’ve only had each other.

I see my house. I’m standing in front of it, but that's not what worries me, no, it’s the fact I see a car outside our house.

 To be exact, it’s my mother’s car.

And I don’t have a damn clue as to what to do.


Enjoy! -Zoey❤

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