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The journey to the pack house was peaceful and jimin seems comfortable with the quietness eventhough he was hoping to know the alpha better and make a conversation with yoongi.

"you are back"hoseok said to yoongi and gasped.

"eikkk..jimin what are you doing..why are you walking home with yoongi hyung?wait wait what is happening?do you know yoongi oh no no wait do yo.."hoseok asked suspiciously to jimin but was cut off by yoongi.

"ughh you are so loud hoseok.go away I want to rest.tell jin that I don't feels like eating dinner today."yoongi casually told hoseok and straightly go to his room.jimin just watching the alpha wearing a big smile on his face.

"wow jimin..why are you smiling so bright.i may be blind.ehh no you are because you cant see when you are smiling kekeke"taehyung said and comes to hoseok and jimin.jimin just shrugged.

"hobi you okay babe?taehyung asked hoseok.

"jiminnnn..explain."hoseok said.

"well im going to rest too but I want to eat dinner hehe"jimin answered and practically ran to his room.

"what is happening babe?why is jimin smiles so bright and why do I smelt another scent on him."taehyung asked.

"I don't know baby but we'll wait jimin to explain something."hoseok said and pecked taehyung lips.soon,the kiss turns into making out session and thanks to the little cockblocker,jungkook who fortunately doesn't looking at them,busy holding his car collection in his shirt to show it to taehyung.

"uncle tae help me" jungkook whinned, still looking at his cars collection.

"aish this brat"hoseok groant.


"I don't need a mate,so why that jimin boy is all i can think.shit this is not good..cmon yoongi you are have to sleep..sleep settles everything.yeahh cmon brain stop thinking about that boy..sleep cmon sleep."yoongi talked to himself once he settles himself on his bed.soon,sleep consume him.sleep x yoongi duhh.


Jimin still couldn't stop his smile.he was so happy that he found his mate.'after almost 3 years'jimin smiles.later,the smile one his face slowly fades.he still confuse why the alpha didn't want him.

'I know nothing about him.he know my age aswell.ughh how can I be his mate when I know nothing about him ughh cmon jimin,you need a plan.'jimin thought.

"uncle chimmy"soft knock and small voice was heard outside his door.

"you may come kookie"jimin answered and asked the boy what he needs.

"mommy asked me to call you for dinnew.Mommy cooked many yummy food and you must eat all because mommy's food is good hehe"little jungkookie told jimin.he called jimin chimmy because he said that name suitable for him and he agreed with his mommy that jimin is a living strawberry mochi.well,where's the lie huh.with small body,chubby rosy cheek,short and baby face looking.a total adult baby.jin also said if someone tell him that jimin is 16 years old,he undoubtly believe that.

"awww you are so cute..okay kookie.lets go together and finish all the yummy food and be happy yeah"jimin said after cooed to the chit chat jungkook told him.

"auhhh..i am not cute.i am scawy like a big and stwong boy."jungkook whined.

"aish okay okay big boy,now big boy has to eat a lot to be strong okay?"jimin convince the kid.

"okay uncle chimmy!"jungkook cheerfully said.

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