Chapter Four- Introductions

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(Shadows POV)

I realized Silver was walking up to me.

I sigh.

I haven't talked to him since the end of Middle school last year, he still looks as Idiotic as ever.

"Hey Shadow! It's been a while, how've you been?" He asked in his high pitch voice.

I give Silver a slight glare before answering.

"Why do my actions seem important to you?" I ask him sternly.

"I see you haven't changed any.!" Silver says with a giant smile on his face.

Silver always seemed so happy. Wonder how that feels like.

"I'm not one to change so quickly, you should know this Silver." I say.

Silver nods. He grabs my arm and moves me over to the table.

..He still acts like a child. How old is this hedgehog...

"Over here Shadow. Your legs will get tired standing for too long." He tells me.

I roll my eyes.

"Silver, I'm the Ultimate life form. Nothing I do tires me, well.. maybe besides standing here talking to you.."

"Oh Shadow stop being rude for one second and enjoy life..." he tells me.

I'm not rude, I'm right. Who does he think he is telling me I'm rude.

"So, any new changes in your life..?" I say.

Why did I say that? That's not what I wanted to say. I don't want to sound like some caring-

"Oh nothing really. Hung out with Sonic all summer. How about you.?"

I pause. Me? What did I do?

"Nothing that concerns you hedgehog" I bark, speaking my mind.

Silver rolls his eyes as I hear Rose yell from the other side of the room.

"I'm NOT dating that man!" I hear her scream.

Who is she talking about? Is she talking about me?

Me and Rose, Together?

That's absurd..

Silver goes quiet and so do I. I look at her as she looks at Blaze with a stern look.

"Soooo your a Agent?"

I look at Silver confused.

"Exuse me?" I ask.

"Your name tag. It says "Agent Shadow"." He says.

Oh he's talking about that.

"Oh yes. That's my Rank.. why does it raise your concern?"

Silver looks at me like he didn't understand me.

"Why do you care about my Badge?" I ask with a monotone voice.

" Oh sorry it seemed interesting.." He says, looking a bit down.

I pat Silvers Shoulder and keep my hand on it.

" Class starts soon. Let's sit down"

(Amy's POV)

What is that thing around his Neck? Is that a gem? A crystal? It's glowing green! That's not normal to me.

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