Chapter Fourty- A Soul Intertwined

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(Blaze's POV)

I woke up to the feeling of the cold stone below me.

I felt some straw substance poking at my fur once I got up.

Once my eyes adjusted to the lighting I noticed where I was.

I was in a cell.

"Oh hey, the princess woke up." A voice said, from outside of the cell.

Two cloaked figures are now looking my direction.

"Go grab the commander." One of the cloaked figures announce.

"What are you going to do with me?" I snarl.

The two figures smile.

I see an immensely tall figure emerge from the darken corner beside my cell.

His eyes look down at me.

The white glow emits such a cold feeling.

"And who are you supposed to be?" I growl.

The figure smirks.

"We've met once already, in a.. particular crash"

Of course it's him.

I sigh.

"Just get me out of this cage and I'll leave you no trouble..." I say.

The figure grins.

"And why would I set you free?"

I mumble.

"Heh..Until that silver hog comes and saves you, you're not going anywhere.." he grins and walks off.

I kick my paws against the bars.

UGH! This man thinks he can just lock me up and get away with it....

The two guards look over at me.

"Keep it down. I don't wanna hear you all night whining..."



"You will pay for that insult once I get my powers back.." I snarl.

"Psh.. whatever you say Princess.."

They both laugh with each other.

After they finish laughing, they start talking again.

"Oh hey, did you hear that Zovaal sent that
blue guy?" One asks.

"Oh really? It's that serious? Pft, good luck to whomever has to deal with him."

"Cuz they will need it"
(Silver's POV)

I dash towards the warp ring and venture though it.

"Blaze! I fou-"

I look around to see signs of struggle on the chair she was sitting on.

"Blaze?!" I ask cautiously.

I look at the book that she was reading, it had some symbols written on it.

I didn't understand what it said but..

I wanted to touch it.

Something was drawing it towards me.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you.." someone interrupts.

I look around.

"H-Hey! Who was that?!"

"Awh, you don't even recognize your own Buddy? What a shame.."

My breath fell short.


"Will What? Kill me?"

Sonic reveals himself with his shining silver Armour.

"You really think you can stand a chance against me Silver? You couldn't even before I joined the Shadow Council." He smirks.

"...Y..YOU TRATIOR!" I scream.

I drop the leather bound book and attempt to throw a bookshelf at him.

He dodges it no problem.

"He still has his speed..of course.." I whisper.

Sonic smirks.

"That all you got Silver?" He provokes.

...this has got to be a trap.

"What are you doing here Sonic..?" I ask as calmly as I can.

"That's non of your business..." he growls.

"WELL IT IS NOW!" I yell losing my attempted calm.

I grab a couple books and start flinging them at him.

He dodges them all and gets close to me and as he's about to get a blow off on me...

Our eyes lock.

I look into his eyes and whisper something under my breath.

"Your mine..."

I smile.

"Eh?! What was that?!" He screeches.

(Sonic's POV) [warning]

Silver was starting to glow as I looked over at him.

"Silver! Cut the act!" I yell.

He glares up at me.

"Has anyone ever told you just to shut up?" He asks darkly.

"Tch..." I growl.

Let's end this...

My fur grows to a dark blue colour and my eyes glow white.

Energy emits from my fur, and begins charging in my paws.

I look over at Silver..and for the first time in my life.

I don't sense fear from him.

I charge my Blast, everything in the room being drawn towards it like a black hole.

Silver stands there, like a target waiting to be shot at.


"I know what I'm doing" he smiles.

I don't sense anything from him.

It's like looking at Shadow all over again.

The blast releases and the room goes with it.

I watch all the books and pieces of wood follow towards Silver.

"ITS OVER SILVER!" I smile wickedly.

I feel the blast hit Silver and I look at him.

A piece of wood has impaled his chest.

I try to laugh, but blood splatters down to my feet.

"W..W..WHA...?" I try to speak but the pain is too much to bare.

I watch Silver drop to his knees and he smiles at me.

"Wh..what.. did.. y-you.." I cough.

"Re-lease." He says.

He slumps to the ground.

"This is..not the end Silver!" I say as I teleport away.



-end of season 3-

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