Chapter Nine- Shadowy Secrects

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(5 Months into the school Year)

(Sonics POV)
I saw Ames was still sleeping on my couch. I wish I had time for her this morning but I had that meeting. I tucked her in before walking out into he cold rain.

I walked out and opened my door and sat down in my car when my phone began to Rang. It was an unknown number again. I picked it up.

" You are coming to the meeting correct? It starts in 30 minutes.." the voice said.

" Yeah yeah I'm starting my car now" I start the engine " I also Did what you asked yesterday.." I said with a slight sigh.

" Good. You know that the People of Chaos are our Enemies.."

" Yeah.. I gave up that power long ago.." I say looking at the Road.

I put him on Speaker and place my phone on the middle conceal of my Car.

" I should be driving up any minute alright? Cya." I hang up.

I've been with this "group" for about a year now. Ever since I got in, I've been Granted very powerful "magic" and it's raised my Rank making me the king of the school.. which helps me rule better. But I'm not ruling for myself.. I'm ruling for.. HIM.

I pull up to the edge of the road and get out of the car and run into the field of Rain. The feeling of the rain drifts me to happiness before I'm teleported into a room.

" Sonic the Hedgehog... you've been serving us for a while now and we are glad we granted the Crystal to you.. and you did what we asked.. correct?" A being of Dark energy stood before me.

I nod and kneel down.

" Shadow is the last of his kind... it is very important that we get rid of him quickly..." The man said. "He already overpowered you before you got this power... that means he could become Stronger"

" Well... he has successfully punched me into a wall without much work.." As I said that he glared at me.

" That just means you need to work harder... now.. this meetings over.. Your 'Girlfriends' waiting for you isn't she." He says holding up my phone with it with Amy calling me.

" HEY! Give that Back!!" I yell.

" You have 48 hours to prove your worth to me.. Get rid of that hedgehog and I'll leave you be.. FOREVER..." He glares at me. " and if you fail... I will make your life hell..."

I stood there for a split second before I was outside in the pouring rain.

(Shadows POV)
The voices kept talking about Rose. Telling me that I wasn't good enough for her.. that I would fail her that she would end up like.. Maria.

But then I felt Someone touch my Shoulder. I jolted up and Rouge stepped back.

" Oh my God finally.... Are you ok?!" She said holding my Shoulder.

I was breathing hard and I realized that was just a Nightmare.

" Had another Nightmare about her..?" She asked.
" it's been awhile.. I thought they had gone away.." Rouge said closing he door as Omega walked in.

" It wasn't about Maria..." I say putting my
Hand to my head.

Rouge look confused.

"It wasn't.?" She asked.

I get up and walk over to the Mirror and look at the cut, but it was gone. I knew it would heal but it still

" what time is it..?" I ask still trying to catch my breath.

" About 4 in the morning.. I was walking down to get Chow and heard you fighting.." Rouge Fixed her uniform as she let go of my Shoulder. " I was going to wake you up anyway so.. Good morning?"

I push her away and get up.

" I'll be in the training room" I say walking out of my room and walking down the cold hallways. My fur puffs up a bit because it gets kind of cold.

I feel Rouge's glance on me the entire way. 

After about 20 minutes Omega joins me and we begin to train together. I noticed that Omegas able to catch me off guard, and I was a bit slower than usual which was werid. Must be tired.

" I'm done for The Morning Omega.. you can continue if you want" I say getting a Jacket on.


I'm already out of the room before I hear him say the rest of his sentence. I walk out of the Command center and walk over to my motorcycle in the pouring rain as Rouge runs up to me.

" Hey Shadow, maybe you should take the day off you seem tired." Rouge says.

I get a bit angry.

" I'm the Ultimate life form Rouge.. I don't get Tired.."

Didn't I say I was tired earlier this morning..

"Well you look I don't know.. just tired.." Rouge says. " Is your Magic draining you or something?"

Oh I haven't thought about that. I lift up my hand and spark some magic.

" No I seem to be fine" I say.

Rouge puts her hand on mine and I shuffle back.

" What are you doing?" I spout.

Rouge looks at me and puts her hands on her hips.

" Oh Could you just be calm for one minute?!" She says in a bit a of rage.

I roll my eyes and turn off my Motorcycle.

" Hold on to me. I'll take us to school."

Rouge sighs and holds on to my arm as she uses her other arm to shield her from the rain.

I close my eyes and try to teleport. The more I tried the more straining it was. Something was straining me from using Chaos Control.

After a couple more times i successful teleported us to the school and I could feel the strain pull on my body. I fell to one knee and grabbed my side, while rouge pulled me up.

" Hey?! Are you alright?" Rouge says in a concerned tone.

I push Rouge back and get up.

" Yes. Just that teleport strained me more than usual. Sorry to worry you" I tell her.

Rouge sighs and fixes my wet fur as we walk into the building.

" I'm going to find Knuckles. Call me if you need anything." Rouge says gliding down the hallway.

I wave goodbye as she walks away. I end up walking to class early and just sit in the back of the room. I usually come to school an hour early for good impressions. I notice the door open and Rose comes through.

" Shadow?" She asks.

I look at her, her Emerald green eyes glow against her Rosy pink fur. But the voices in my head prevent me from saying much else.

But Rose came up to me and Hugged me out of
Know where.

~TBC in Chapter Ten~

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