Chapter Fifty One- The Lich Awakens

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(Rouge's POV)

"ROUGE MOVE!" Shadow yells as he skates towards me.

Omega shoots triangular missiles towards me.

I quickly move to the side and kick up a hollow wooden box next to me, throwing it at Omega.

"WORTHLESS, WORTHLESS- YOU ARE INFERIOR OF E-123 OMEGA." Omega pronounces as he shatters it instantly.

His hands fuse back into Miniguns and the battle begins.

I look over at where Tails resided, all that was left was the watch he left on the consul.

Damnit.. he got away.. I should tell Shadow-

"Rouge, I'll attack him from behind. Keep him busy!" Shadow yells rudely interrupting my thoughts and throwing chaotic spears towards Omega.

Omega's Armour seems to have been enhanced, as most of Shadow's Missiles are completely blocked.

Omega's hands return to normal and begin drilling into the ground.

I then remember Tails had gotten away.

"Ugh! Shadow! Tails got away!" I holler at the animated hedgehog, the moment I realize it.

This throws him off, just in time for Omega to launch a piece of the broken concrete he just drilled, right into Shadows face.

"Ugh!-" he hits the ground, quickly getting up.

"Rouge! I said keep him busy!" He growls.

"Agh! Sorry! It's not like I'm trying to do two things at once!" I yell in a fit of rage.

"Omega! Stop this! This isn't you!"

Shadow continues attacking Omega, distracting him from my voice.

"CANNOT...AIM...FOR A TARGET-"Omega complains.

Shadow looks my way.

"ROUGE! NOW!" He cries out.

As Shadow and I switch places, I sprint forward, beginning to spin in a tornado like form.

Omega foresees this and hooks me around his metallic fingers, hurling my body to the cold concrete below.

Shadow reacts too late and Omega's massive block like foot slams against my torso, the knock back sending Shadow a few feet away from us.

"GAH! O-OMEGA! STOP THIS AT ONCE!" I cry in agony.

I felt my ribs get smashed together.

It wasn't a wonderful feeling...

I attempted to escape Omega's grasp on me but..

Then I heard something metallic drop to the floor.

The ringing, haunting my ears for what seemed like minutes.

I looked over at Omega, to see if it was his doing...

But Omega didn't have a face for me to look at.

It was torn right off his head, the wires, electrocuting each other.

His head was right by Shadow's feet.

And Omega drops to the ground behind me.

Shadow walks over to me and picks me up.

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