Chapter Thirty Eight- Blurred Reality

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(Somewhere, in one of Shadows Memories...)

Ugh finally... the weekend...

I dreadfully inch my way out of the crowds and towards my motor-powered bike and grab my helmet when a pink blur comes into my sight.

"Hey! You mind if I tag along? Sonics car is currently in the Shop, so he can't take me home" she says with a sad tone.

"In the shop? He actually takes damn care of that thing?" I ask.

"I know, I know, I honestly think it's a waste of money. Either that, or he has it just for "picking up" girls all the time, or something." She says mumbling under her breath.

"Well luckily you don't have to socialize with that blue jerk today." I say, equipping my sunglasses and handing her my helmet.

"I don't?" She asks.

I start the engine and start swerving around other students trying to escape the parking lot.

Rose quickly throws the helmet I handed her onto her head, as it covers her ears from the screams of angry mobians from behind.

"ArE yOu UnAbLe tO dRiVe LiKe A NoRmAl PeRsoN??" She screeches.

I ignore her comment and just Smirk.
I park the motorcycle on the cement in front of my apartment.

It's dark and gloomy as the sky begins to darken for the scary night ahead.

"Sooo.... Am I supposed to just stay here?" Rose asks.

"There's some pancakes in the fridge if your hungry-" I blurt.


I look around and look back at her.

"Uh- me?"

She smacks her palm onto her face.

"Idiot..." she growls under her breath.

"I'm sensing irritation from good ol' Goody two shoes over here.." I snicker.

"Oh please, don't ever call me th-"

I tangle my flamboyant coat around my chest, zipping it up, almost syncing with Rose's gasp.

"Omgitsthejacket-" she screeches quietly.

"What?" I ask.

"Itsthejacket-" she screeches again.

"Rose, you know I can't hear your when you say stuff so quietly" I sigh.

"ITS YOUR SUPER NICE, GLOWY, STYLISH G.U.N COAT!" She screeches with excitement.

"Rose- it's just a Coat-"

"Don't. Ever. Say. It's. Just. A. Coat.-" she says, sinking her 'claws' into my skin.

Jeesh- what a mood swing.


"Alright, move it bear-claws, your hurting my shoulder."

She gasps again.

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